•Better off•

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I'm not sure but I felt like I should put this just in case

T/W- abandonment and general angst

I never let 'em know too much
Hate gettin' too emotional, oh, yeah

I'm better off without him

Jonah's POV

 It was Friday night and I was currently headed to Walker's to see him off. I knew he was coming back but that didn't stop me from missing him even before I got to his house. I arrived and knocked on the door I was thinking I go round so often I'm gonna need a key. Chantelle answered the door she looked furious she was clutching her phone and making a fist with her other hand.

"Hi Chantelle... what's wrong?"

"Walker's deadbeat dad that's what" I immediately feared the worst I feel like I knew what was coming

"Okay tell me what happened"

"I just got off  the phone with him he told me some urgent business came up in Canada and a Co-worker would be joining him so Walker couldn't travel with him. So I said since Walker was really looking forward to it I'll buy him a plane ticket I even suggested you travel with him but then he said something about a meeting in DC and a gallery in Maine. He actually said I should tell Walker the news he doesn't even have the decency to tell him himself."

"Ugh what a dick" My eyes widened at the words that I said I didn't mean to say that but I was annoyed this idiot comes into Walkers life makes promises and lets him down at the last minute "Sorry I shouldn't have said that"

"Oh no you're right ugh! I was so stupid he didn't treat us right in the beginning why would he change now I let him back in to Walker's life when he was perfectly fine before he even offered to send us my money I told him to stick his money up his bitch ass"

"Good for you and this is not you're fault you were let down too and I'm so sorry... I'll tell him"

"Are you sure?" I nodded reassuringly Walker came practically skipping down the stairs he looked so excited this was gonna be like slapping a puppy in the face

"I'm ready and- oh hey baby I didn't know you we're coming"

"I'll leave you to it" His mom nodded at me and left the room

"Er you should probably sit down"

"What's wrong is it you? is it us?"

"No no we're fine it's... it's about your dad"

"He's okay right?"

"Yeah but right now he's on his way to Canada... without you he said that he got caught up in business and he wouldn't have much time for you"

"So he's gone he left... again"

"babe I'm so sorry" I held his hand tighter but he let go and stood up and started to pace around back and fourth

"nah... nah it's cool it's fine I mean he left before when I was little what was stopping him from doing it again I  shouldn't even be surprised"

"It's okay to be angry or upset" I stood up as well

"no I just wish I didn't spend the past few days making him this" He pulled the painting out his bag and chucked it on the table it was a silhouette painting of a father and son it was beautiful 

"oh Walker it's g-great but-"

"Yo-you know I was even gonna tell him about you and come out to him"

Walker got angrier the more he spoke

"Because I love you but he wouldn't understand that he never loved me or taught me how to love he never wanted me so to hell with him!" Tears fell down his face I gripped his shoulder

"Hey come on-"

"I was fine without him i-i-i managed to ride a bike without him make friends without him get through the past few years of school without him that was all me not him" I nodded sympathetically

"And I'm gonna graduate go to college settle down probably have kids and I'm going to love them more than he ever loved me because there is nothing that heartless son of a bitch  can teach me about being a parent"

He sobbed into his hands and looked up at me what he said next made my heart ache for him

"W-why doesn't he w-want me?"

I pulled him into my shoulder and he cried harder I was disgusted with his dad for doing this 

"Walker you are the sweetest, most kind-hearted and funny person you're dad is a stuck-up low life that doesn't know what he's missing out on let him go where ever he went you're better off without that jerk I'm always gonna love you Walker."

"I lo-love you t-too Jonah." 

I held him close to me for what felt like hours while he sobbed it slowly turned to hiccups then I heard light snores he had fallen asleep buried into my side. I laid him down on the couch and covered him with a blanket being careful not to wake him I took his bags upstairs folded and put away his clothes. Chantelle came to his room

"Aw you didn't have to do that"

"Well I reckon Walker's pretty tired so I figured I'd help him out"

"Well thank you I'm glad you're in his life and he has someone else he can count on"


"I'm making tea you want some"

"yeah thanks"

Me and Chantelle talked for an hour as Walker slept she told me all the things that made him feel better as I mentally took notes on how to cheer him up I decided to sleep over to keep him company she was such a nice person didn't deserve such a shitty excuse for a husband she did everything she possible could for Walker while he was growing up putting him before herself most days I really wanted to take the pressure off her I was gonna do everything physically possible to help Walker .

Jonah 🤝 Chantelle
    Being Walker's entire support system

Love lj xx

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