14. thursday, november 2003

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On Thursdays, there was a period where Luna always went to the computer room to do work by herself. It was the only time she ever got some work done. None of her friends had a free at that time so she took advantage of the situation. Until, Joanna sat next to her.

"Luna." She tried to get her attention as she scribbled stuff down in her notebook. "Luuunnaaaa." She waved her hand in front of her. Luna closed her eyes and turned her head to her.

"What's up Joanna?" She asked. Joanna took a deep breath and smiled. This was going to be something stupid, Luna could tell.

"You're friends with Alex right?" She wondered. Luna squinted her eyes, wondering where she was going with this.

"So are you." She pointed out. Joanna sighed in frustration.

"No. He doesn't talk to me like he talks to you. I want to know why...well more importantly I want to know how I can get him to talk to me like that?" Luna's eyes widened as she spoke and a weird feeling appeared in her chest.

"I don't understand. You want Alex to talk to you?" She knew exactly what Joanna was asking but she wanted to hear it from her exactly.

"Yeah. I've tried but he always seems moody." She complained. Luna stared at her.

"Maybe he's not into you." She suggested, feeling a bit mean. Joanna's face dropped.

"He doesn't know me yet because he never speaks to me. Can you talk me up to him?" She asked. Luna's face almost cringed at the idea.

"Next party, just lay one on him. I'm sure he won't object." She shrugged. Joanna looked annoyed.

"A couple months ago, I would've done that. But, now he's friends with cooler people and I feel like he won't look at me twice." She pouted, grabbing onto her arm. Luna shrugged her off.

"He's gonna know if I start talking about you all of a sudden. Besides, I see him as much as you do" She pointed out. Joanna groaned.

"Luna pleaaase. You have English with him. Just mention me once in a while. I like him, Lu." She pouted, making her eyes wide to try and convince her.

"I thought you didn't even know him." She said suspiciously. Joanna squeezed her arm.

"I think he's fit, ok?" She burst. "Either tell him or talk me up. I don't care." She stood up and stormed out of the room.

Luna rolled her eyes, sighing as the bell went off. She packed up her stuff and made her way to her locker.

"Hey." Alex's voice said as she reached it. "I'm about to say something really cringe but you're just going to have to bare with me." Luna stared at him as he leant against the locker next to hers.

"What?" She asked. He smirked so she couldn't help but smile.

"I found a poet that I think you'll like."  He said. Luna stared at him in shock. "Sorry, I know that sounds so weird but-"

"What's their name?" she cut him off.

"John Cooper Clark. Heard of him?" She shut her locker and started to walk, he followed.

"Never." She replied. "I've got to go to history but show me some of his poems some time." She told him. He stopped walking, realising she was going in a different direction to him.

"I'll bring some to English tomorrow." He called after her. She turned her head and flashed him a beautiful grin before waving goodbye. He smiled to himself as he walked to the common room.

He sat by himself and started to do some psychology work that he had been given just before. Then, Joanna sat next to him.

"Hey." She smiled. He looked at her briefly, giving her a crooked smile.

"Y'alright?" He asked, continuing to write about serotonin in the brain. Joanna rested her head on her hand and faced him.

"Not bad. You?" She replied. He stopped writing and looked up at her. She was smiling sweetly at him with doe eyes. He cleared his throat and moved his fringe out of the way of his eyes.

"Fine." He answered. "Swamped with work." He added. Joanna looked down at his piece of paper and smiled.

"My aunts a therapist. She loves it. It's every girl's dream to fix people, you know?" She joked. He let out an awkward laugh.

"That's promising." He replied sarcastically. She let out a loud laugh and touched his arm playfully. He tensed up.

"I gotta go. I'm already late to French but I'll see you round, yeah?" She smiled. He nodded.

"Au revoir" he smiled back. She laughed again and walked out of the common room. He squinted his eyes at the door she had just walked out of, that was weird.

Matt and Jamie passed her through the doors and made their way over to where Alex was sitting.

"Y'alright Al? You look like you've seen a ghost" Matt laughed, getting some books out. Alex shrugged.

"Just been speaking to Joanna." He replied. Jamie laughed. Matt raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah she's pretty pale." Jamie answered. Alex and Matt turned to him and burst out laughing.

"That's not what I meant." Alex laughed. Matt patted Jamie on the back.

"What was Joanna talking to you about?" Matt asked. Alex shrugged.

"She wanted to know how I was and then told me her aunt was a therapist" He recalled. They both pulled a face.

"That's fucked. Was she trying to get you help?" Jamie wondered. Alex shrugged.

"I don't know. She said girls like to try and fix people." Jamie pulled a horrified face.

"What? That's so fucked" he pretended to gag. Alex looked at him with a confused expression.

"I don't think she meant she wanted to fix me" he chuckled. "I don't need fixing anyway." He pointed out.

"Could always let her try." Matt smirked. Alex rolled his eyes as Jamie laughed. He went back to his work as they talked about something else.

"So, you and Kate huh?" Matt said. Alex looked up with raised eyebrows.

"You and Kate?" He repeated. Jamie smirked and nodded.

"Got off at Halloween and went out at the weekend." He explained. "I like her, she's cool." He added. Alex smiled, he could see them together.

"That's sick" Alex congratulated. Jamie nodded.

"What about you? You interested in anyone, Al?" He turned it on him. Alex shook his head but Matt smirked.

"Maybe Joanna was trying to tell you she liked you." He suggested. Alex pulled a face and laughed.

"No way. I barely know the girl." He brushed it off. Matt rolled his eyes.

"So get to know her you prick." He teased. Alex looked away, not even wanting to think about it.

"I think she's going to have a Christmas party. Kate was telling me about it. Maybe you can 'get to know her' there." He suggested. Alex squirmed in seat nervously as Jamie and Matt agreed.

"I'm going for a smoke." Jamie announced before leaving. "I'll be back for lunch." He waved to them. They waved back.

"Come on, Al. Joanna's nice." Matt said seriously. He shook his head.

"I don't know her. She's just one of Luna's friends." He pointed out. Matt sighed.

"Alex come on. You're never going to get Luna, she's with Brian and Harry won't let it happen you know that." He whispered. Alex stared at him angrily.

"I don't want Luna." He growled. Matt sat back in his chair.

"Good." He replied in a huff.

"I'm going home." Alex replied angrily, having had his buttons pushed. He didn't have any other lessons, usually he would stay for lunch and then go home but he was too pissed to eat.

"Alex!" Matt yelled after him but he was already gone.

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