50. tuesday, february 2015

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Luna was trying to follow the video from her online textbook about meringue when her doorbell went. She paused the video, placing everything down on her kitchen island. The doorbell went again.

"Coming!" She yelled, running over.

She opened it to see the last person she would expect to see, Alexander Turner. His hair was longer, gelled back in a middle parting rather than in a quiff and his leather jacket had been replaced by a suit. He looked clean and fresh.

"Alex." She gasped. He looked her up and down before licking his lips.

"Luna Temple." His voice was like silk. She didn't quite know how to react.

"You're in Paris." She stated, still shocked.

"I'm recording an album." He answered her next question. "Can I take you out to dinner?" He asked confidently. Luna smiled.

"I'll get changed." She smiled. They both knew where this was going. She got changed quickly and grabbed her coat.

They walked down the street in silence. Alex seemed to know where he was going so Luna just absorbed his image. He didn't look so worn out and grungy as before. He had gained a bit of weight but it suited him, he looked very healthy.

"You look good." She complimented. "I like the new look." She added. Alex ran his hand through his hair and smiled.

"Thank you. You look absolutely gorgeous, as per." It was the first time Alex had complimented her confidently. Luna blushed, looking down.

He led her down some steps into a posh restaurant. Luna hadn't expected this at all. They were led to the corner of the room and given a menu each. Luna looked around the restaurant, she didn't even know it existed and she lived ten minutes away.

"You'll have to translate, Lu." He pointed out. "Can't say my French is all that good." He muttered as he tried to read the menu. She watched as small creases appeared on his forehead as he tried to figure out what the words meant.

"Can I get you two anything to drink?" The waiter asked in an English accent. Alex looked up and seemed extremely pleased.

"Well, would you look at that" he said to Luna, who giggled. "Yes please. We'll have a bottle of champagne." He requested. The man nodded and walked away.

"Champagne, huh?" She questioned. Alex nodded vigorously. "Are we celebrating?" She asked, Alex raised an eyebrow suggestively.

"You probably know this but the best champagne is from France." He said matter of factly. Luna chuckled.

"The only champagne is from France, Alexander." She corrected him. "Anything made anywhere else is simply Prosecco." She smiled sweetly. Alex smirked, he had missed her dearly. He closed his eyes for a moment, savouring the way his name sounded on her lips. He put down his menu.

"I was going to wait until the champagne to do this but I just can't." He took in a deep breath. Her heart pounded. "I want to be with you Luna. I've waited a decade to ask you to be mine and I just can't wait any longer." He burst.

Alex studied her face as she absorbed the information and then his heart dropped.

"Oh god, don't say you have a boyfriend. Some french git named Jean-Paul." He winced at the thought. Luna let out a laugh and placed her hand on his.

"No, I'm very much single." She laughed. "Are you sure, Alex?" She asked.

"Am I sure?" His eyes almost burst out of his sockets. "I've had ten years to debate whether or not I'm sure. Im very fucking sure, Luna." He practically laughed through the sentence. Luna's heart warmed.

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