51. wednesday, february 2015

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Luna couldn't wipe the smile off her face. The following morning, she woke up bright and early and started to make a cooked breakfast. Normally she never had the energy for anything more than cereal.

"What's gotten into you?" Jen asked as she walked in wearing her pyjamas. Luna didn't reply, just smiled. "Or shall I say, who? You were home quite late last night." She leant and poked one of the eggs, earning a slap from Luna.

"It's such a long story" she sighed. "I just reconnected with an old friend last night and it felt good." She explained, Jen couldn't help but grin.

"How good did it feel, Lu?" She teased.

"Jennifer!" She scolded, swatting her with the spatula.

"Sorry! I get it." She laughed. "So, what are we doing tonight? It's Saturday night and I need to meet a cute french guy" she groaned. Luna laughed.

"You've been saying that for six months." Luna pointed out. Jen dramatically sighed.

"And how many eligible men have I met?" She asked, Luna smiled.

"About twelve." She pointed out.

"I said eligible, Luna. I'm almost in my late twenties, I can't be settling for these boys." She sighed.

"Jen you're still young, just enjoy yourself while you're in a foreign country." Luna told her but Jen was already walking away.

"Luna! There's a number calling your phone." She sang, skipping over to the table where her phone was.

"Keep an eye on the bacon." She instructed, answering the call. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, Luna." Alex's voice glided down the phone. "How are you?" He asked. Jen pulled a face, noticing Luna's face light up.

"I'm great. How are you, Alexander?" She walked around the kitchen and pulled herself onto the countertop. Jen watched her with a raised eyebrow. That name sounded familiar.

"Alexander?" She mouthed.

"I'm doing great. What are you doing today?" He asked, Luna marvelled in his voice.

"Nothing, as of yet." She told him. Jen started to plate things up, dancing slightly to a song she was singing.

"Would you like to come to the studio?" He asked. Luna gasped loudly, making Jen jump.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked. Luna waved her hand to tell her to shut up.

"Will Miles be there?" She wondered. Then, out of no where, Alex's laugh flowed through the phone and almost knocked her over. He had the best fucking laugh, it was like a small child having the best time of his life.

"Yes, beloved Miles Kane will be there." He confessed. Luna giggled.

"Text me the address and I can be there in an hour." She replied. There was a short silence on the end of the line, Luna assumed he was just thinking but little did she know he was fist bumping the air and throwing his arm around Miles in celebration.

"I look forward to seeing you." He said calmly. Luna grinned.

"And I, you Alexander." She replied before hanging up.

"Reconnected with an old friend...Alexander...holy fuck your best fuck is in town and he wants some of you!" Jen shook her. Luna laughed, shaking her head.

"Jen, stop it." She was blushing hard though which gave Jen the signal that she was right.

"Who's Miles? Where are you going? Can I come?" She bundled her with questions.

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