48. thursday, august 2014

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Luna's twenty eighth birthday was one of her favourites. She rarely went out on night outs with people. She was always working and holidays seemed to be the only time of the year that she did anything.

Her new friend, Jen, had organised for the two of them plus a few other girls from their culinary class to go out on a wild night in Paris. They all piled into their flat to get ready, Luna felt like she was sixteen again.

Luna pulled out a short red dress that had embroidered flowers of the same colour all over it. She brought with her a cropped jacket since it was the summer and the air was slightly warmer.

"Happy birthday, Luna!" Everyone cheered, clinking their pre-drinks glasses together. She was genuinely excited for the night ahead, she loved bars and clubs and she had been promised both.

"How does it feel?" One of the girls, Jasmine, asked. Luna giggled, the champagne rushing around her head.

"Bubbly." She laughed, they all laughed back.

"We should get a move on!" Jen squealed, slipping into her heels by the door. No one protested so they all got up and got their things and made their way out.

The first stop on Jen's fun night out for Luna was a bar at the end of their street whose happy hour had just started. They ordered some shots as well as a drink each and started the night.

"Okay okay. Luna, you're twenty eight now. You're an experienced woman." Another girl, Emilia, started as she sipped her mojito. "Best sex you've ever had." She demanded to know. The girls erupted around her, getting excited.

Luna knew instantly who it was but she couldn't exactly yell out that the best sex of her life was Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys. Firstly, they wouldn't believe her and secondly she didn't know them well enough to tell the Turner tale.

"Ah, this is easy." She grinned, taking a shot before continuing. "It was a guy I went to school with and always had a thing for. We kind of reconnected a couple of years ago and had a small...fling?" She didn't really know what to call what they had but she left it at that.

"No no no, come on we want details." Jasmine cried. Luna hid her face in her hands and took another shot before replying.

"I don't know!" She burst. "He just knew what he was doing and I like that." They all squealed and teased her.

"Come on, what did he do Luna. Details!" Jen cried. Luna yelled out in frustration but there was a wide smile on her face.

"He just like...teased me a lot, you know? Warmed me up well." She couldn't believe she was telling these girls about Alex.

"Can we get a name?" The final girl, Isabelle, asked. They all grinned at her question, especially Jen.

"Come on, it's not like we're going to run into him. He's in England, no?" Emilia asked. Luna looked around at the girls expecting faces and Jasmine passed her another shot. She downed it and her face winced.

"Alex." She burst. They all cheered.

"Come on Alex!" Jen cheered. Luna burst out laughing and hid her face again.

"To Alex!" Isabelle held up her drink. Luna shook her head as the other girls laughed.

"To Alex!" They all cheered, clinking their glasses together. Luna couldn't believe she was drinking to Alex, she didn't even know where he was in that moment.

"Wherever he maybe." Luna added. They all giggled and finished their drinks, ready to move to the next place.

They all went round and described theirs, giggling at the experiences they'd all had.

"Okay okay. Worst sex you've ever had." Jasmine suggested. They all 'ooh'ed.

"Surely it's the first time. It's just awkward and only the boy finishes." Isabelle pointed out. They all considered it but Emilia perked up.

"Nah nah. I've got one that was worse than the first. This guy had the world's worst game but the world's best stamina so it was just never ending torture." She recalled. They all pulled a face.

"If I'm not enjoying it, I just fake it and they think it's alright to finish." Luna explained. They all nodded in agreement.

"Have you ever had to do that, like, with a boyfriend?" Jen wondered. Luna nodded.

"My first boyfriend, it was rare I wasn't faking it." She shrugged. They all made noises of disgust.

Jen linked her arm with Luna's as she led them to the club. Luna hadn't felt like part of a group since she was at school, she just hoped none of them fucked her boyfriend.

"I don't usually do birthday's." She told Jen as they walked.

"Ah, I love birthdays. I have a massive party every year for mine." She told her. Jen was two years younger than Luna but she was so youthful and beautiful that she seemed so much younger.

"Well I can't wait to experience that." Luna laughed. Jen squeezed her arm and led her past the queue for the club because she had booked them a table.

Their table at the club had sparklers and a big tub of alcohol in it. All the girls gathered around it and poured drinks into the plastic cups provided. Luna was having a genuinely nice time as she swayed her hips along to the music. They all praised the way she looked as she danced in front of them.

She sat down on the sofa and Jasmine put her arm around her for a quick hug. Emilia made her way over with a bottle of grey goose and told Luna to open her mouth. She did as she was told and allowed her to pour it into her mouth.

They all made their way to the dance floor, Luna hadn't felt this free in a long time. Adam never liked her going to clubs and if she did then he always came with her. She put her hands in the air and just danced the way she wanted to.

Emilia and Jasmine danced with her, they swayed their hips and pumped their arms to the heavy beated music. Jen and Isabelle on the other hand had already found french boys to get off with.

Luna was approached by many males, placing their hands on her hips or simply thrusting their hips against hers. She didn't make a fuss, just simply moved away without a word. There wasn't a man who could come in that she would take home, she was happy being single for once.

Her thirst started to creep up on her so she made her way back to the table and collapsed on the sofa, mixing herself a drink. She gulped it down and let out a satisfied sigh. Jen collapsed next to her after ushering the boy she was getting off with away.

"Are you having fun?" She yelled, throwing a hot arm around her.

"So much fun." She grinned. Jen kissed her on the cheek.

"Good. I'm glad." She grinned back. Jen took a shot of vodka before crawling off the sofa and back into the club.

Luna rested her head against the back of the sofa and stared out into the club. She wondered where Alex was, what he was doing and if he was thinking of her. She wondered whether she would ever see him again because she honestly wouldn't mind.

Once she had caught her breath, she rejoined the girls out in the crowd and danced until the early hours of the morning. She had had many birthday celebrations but she had never felt more loved than with this one, she felt at home with these girls.

Sorry short filler :/

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