100. april 2019

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Oh shit this is it.


Luna stared out from the balcony onto the Parisian streets. In a few days she would be married to Alex. It didn't feel real. Everyday she got a text from a new person saying they had arrived and were buzzing for Saturday.

She flicked the stub of her cigarette off the side, ashing it into the air before bringing it back to her chapped lips. It was her first cigarette since she had stopped smoking back in 2016, well, other than the occasional one in a stressful situation. In a way, this was one of those situations.

Pulling out her phone, she called a number and scrolled until she found the name she was looking for. She brought it to her ear and switched hands for her fag.

"Bonjour bride." Harry's voice rang down the phone.

"Is Alex with you?" She asked, her heart pounding.

"No, I thought he was out with the monkeys getting ready for tonight" he assumed, mentioning the stag do they were going to that night.

"Can you come over?" She requested. Harry paused for a moment, wondering what was happening.

"I'll be there in a few." He said before hanging up.

Luna put the phone back in her pocket and lit another cigarette, realising hers was now done. If Jen could see her now, she would curse her and start yelling about how her teeth would go yellow the day before her big day.

Harry arrived no more than ten minutes later, walking straight in and towards the balcony. Luna didn't even face him when he sat next to her.

"I'm freaking out." She confessed. Harry let out a sigh, realising that it was gonna be one of them at some point in the next few days and Alex was way too excited.

"Okay, why?" He asked. Luna looked at him and the look she gave him terrified him. She looked sixteen again, the same look she would get whenever she would come home from Brian's after an argument or drinking too much. Wrecked. "Lu." He sighed again.

"You know how much of a fuck up i was." She started, her hands shaking as she held her cigarette.

"With all due respect, shut the fuck up Luna." He stopped her before she could say anything else. "Yes you were a fuck up as a teenager but you haven't been that way in a long long time. Everyone knows it, Al knows it too." He assured her. Luna nodded but she didn't look any better.

"What if I fuck it up?" She chewed her look, looking actually cut up about this but Harry didn't know what exactly was getting her.

"You've been with Alex for four years now and you both have probably fucked up a lot but you're here now. That's got to count for something." He pointed out. Luna sat back in her chair and took another drag.

"One in two marriages end in divorce, Harry. If he divorces me I will die, I won't be able to handle it." She said straight into his eyes. Harry raised his eyebrows.

She was chatting absolute shit and she needed to be reminded. Harry knew that the minute she saw Alex she would feel okay again but it was his job to make sure she didn't spiral too far in the meantime.

"Can I just remind you that Alex fell for you when you were an absolute state, dating a dickhead and going no where. No offense. Don't get me wrong Lu but even I was a bit worried in what he saw in you. I have no doubt that if you were still like that he would still marry you and that probably would've ended up in divorce but have you looked at yourself recently? You're a business woman building her empire, well educated, independent, self sufficient and confident woman and I know that Alex probably tells you this everyday." He explained. Luna nodded.

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