Chapter 4 - A talk in the library!

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28th May, 2019.

10:15 am the class got over and so was the syllabus for the first unit test. Professor asked "If anyone is having any kind of doubts, you ask me now. I'm gonna clear them, so that you all can solve the paper with full confidence". Then some students started with their doubts, meanwhile I and Anay were playing Tic-Tac-Toe on the last page of notebook, as we were not having any sort of doubts due to our weekly combined studies session. The doubt clearing session lasted for nearly 30-35 minutes and then the professor dismissed the class by taking our attendance. After that we both went to canteen grabbed some food for us, finished eating and moved ahead to the library for the combined studies, as we were having our first unit test after 2 days.

We kept our bags in the baggage counter of our library and carried the books along with all the necessary materials that was required for the study purpose. We punched our cards and went inside the library, but the Librarian didn't allowed us to carry the reference book that we've already issued from the library because it was against the rules, he advised us to keep the issued books in the bag and said "You go down to the books section, grab the books that you want and then sit in the library, continue with your studies". We did the same as suggested by the Librarian.

Inside the library. I and Anay started searching for the books. After searching in the entire rows, we didn't find the books, then we went to the inquiry section of the library. There we inquired about the books that we were searching and then finally after wasting 10-15 minutes we find the exact location of the books. Quickly we went there, picked two books. I have seen that girl again, she was also searching for the same book that I and Anay were searching few minutes before.

Anay: Bro, I think we should help her.

Rohan: Yeah! You're right.

Anay: Wait, I'll just go and tell her the location of the book.

As Anay was moving forward I draw him and said "You wait here, I'll go!"

Anay: Ok! I'll keep quiet, but I want to come along with you.

Rohan: Ok! Alright, you can come but please shut your mouth.

Anay: Don't worry, I'll not utter a single word.

Rohan: Yeah! Let's go there together.

Rohan: Hey! Are you searching this book? (Showing the book to the girl)

Girl: Yes. From where did you get this one, I have almost searched it everywhere.

Rohan: Follow me, I'll show you the location of the book.

Girl: Yeah! Sure.

Anay: Rohan, I have to make an urgent call. So I'll see you in the library.

Rohan: Ok! I'll be joining you soon.

Rohan: Here we are, you can collect the book from here.

The girl picks one book from the bunch of books, spread down the floor.

Girl: Thank you so much you saved my time!

Rohan: No worries, I have a helping nature. (Laughs)

Girl: Yeah! It seems to be. (Laughs)

Girl: By the way, have you done with these 2 units?

Rohan: Yeah! Most probably, I am done with the one and half, remaining portion I'll be covering today with my friend.

Girl: Cool! Sounds interesting.

Rohan: Yeah and what about you?

Girl: Well, I was absent in the first week, so my 1st unit is remaining to be practised. But I'm done with the 2nd unit.

Rohan: Ok!

Girl: Best of luck for exam.

Rohan: Yeah! Same to you.

Girl: Bye.

Rohan: Bye.

After that small chit chat, I quickly ran towards the library hall where Anay was waiting for me. Told him about the overall conversation.

Anay: Bro, do you like her? I mean you are looking very happy after talking with her. What's going on in your mind?

Rohan: Well bro, seriously speaking I am not sure. But, I want to confess something to you.

Anay: Yeah! Please go ahead.

Rohan: Two weeks before, I saw her and at that point of time I was feeling nothing for her. But as the days are passing and I'm seeing her frequently, something happens in my heart the moment I start thinking about her.

Anay: Right going bro, now what next?

Rohan: First of all, I have to find her name.

Anay: Bro, you're such a dump?

Rohan: Why bro, what did I do?

Anay: That's what I am saying, you didn't do anything. I mean today you had a golden chance to ask her name, but you missed it.

Rohan: Oh! Shit. How can I be so stupid, neither did I introduced myself to her nor did I ask her name?

Anay: Don't worry now, we have a long time until the end of summer term.

Rohan: Yeah! So we could definitely find out her name. (Giggles)

Anay: Now enough bro, I think we should start revising the remaining portion of 2nd unit.

After almost studying for 3 hours, we left the college and came back to our home.

30th May 2019, 11:37 am.

Today was my first unit test examination and with God's grace it went superb. After that I and Anay had a little chat on various topics and we left the college. 1:15 pm I reached home, had lunch and then I slept for few hours.

6:19 pm, my phone buzzed. It showed a video call notification. The call was from Prem. I received the call. Talked with him for a while, then he said "Let' make a conference call, wait I'll connect with Parth and Raj too. Then we four had a video call for more than 2 hours. We had a talk on various topics.

The days were ticking off faster and

I could not take out her from my mind,

I would stalk her from time to time throughout the lecture

And this was now becoming my daily practice.

"Stalking was never a passion, until she came into existence".


Thank you everyone for reading the fourth chapter of my story "Lost in You". I'll be uploading more chapters soon, so please stay tuned and keep supporting me.

Do vote the story guys and comments are most welcomed.


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