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What if...?

What if Allura, Coran, and Alfor were human?

What if everyone's roles were switched?

What if there were soulmates?

What if Lance was the champion?

What if Shiro never went into space?

What if Adam never existed?

What if Keith was a sweetheart?

What if Hunk was a rebel?

What if Katie was a princess of a whole planet?

What if the ending changed?



Their real. In a world full of people and a Galaxy full of aliens you will find your soulmate. There are multiple different signs of soulmates. The red string, the timer, the tattoo, the eyes, the writing, the love at first sight, the ring, the band, the injury, many signs and everyone has one sign. There are rare ones indeed but there are common ones as well.

-10,000 years earlier-

-Katie Holt-

Dear Diary,

Today I had no luck with finding my soulmate today. I swear I feel like I don't have one. I don't even know my soulmate sign, I see others being lovey dovey and it makes me wonder why I don't know my soulmate. Maybe they haven't been born yet? Maybe they died already? I won't be around forever to find out it's not like I'll magically be in the future and meet my soulmate. I guess I don't have a soulmate like my brother, Matt. It's disappointing really...


"Katie dad wants to talk with us." Matt said knocking on his sister's door.

"Give me a sec!" Katie yelled.

"Hurry." Matt said running off.

Katie sighed and stood up. She walked to the bridge and twirled her honey brown hair around her finger. Katie's hair was brown with green tips that also had white. Her brother had brown hair with a vibrant (but not neon) orange tips with white. Katie walked into the bridge and saw a girl talking with Matt.

"Katie!" The girl said with a smile.

"Hey Isabelle." Katie said giving the girl a hug.

"Katie call me Izzy we are bffs after all." Isabelle said with a bright smile.

Isabelle had vibrant (but not neon) purple hair with a strip of green in it. She had red eyes and her outfit was a dress with green white and blue.

"Your children are here your majesty." Isabelle said to a man looking at coordinates.

"Katie. Matt. Thank goodness." A middle aged man said hugging the two kids.

"Hey dad." Both said as the hugged back.

"Is something the matter?" Matt asked.

"Unfortunately yes." The man said.

"What do you mean?" Katie asked.

"Well you see. Haggar and Zarkon have turned against us. We must go to war with them." The two's dad said.

"Then we'll stay and fight!" Matt said.

"N-" the man was cut off by alarms blaring.

Soon enough everything was in flames. The castle had gotten a video chat with the battle ship.

"Haggar." The man hissed as his hands were on podiums and his kids next to him.

"Hello Sam. I'm giving you a choice. Turn the lions over to me or suffer the consequence." The woman, Haggar, said.

"The lions have been destroyed." Sam yelled.

"You dare lie to me?!" Haggar yelled. "So be it." Haggar said before turning off the call.

"Dad we need to fight! Let's Form Voltron! We can take them down!" Katie said to her father.

"No Katie it's to dangerous. Matt come here." Sam said stepping off the platform.

Matt and Katie now stood in front of their father.

"Take care of each other." Sam said before putting them to sleep.

"Dad...!" Katie said before falling asleep.

"Isabelle. I'm in trusting you with what is most precious to me...keep them safe and out of trouble." Sam said grabbing Matt as Isabelle grabbed Katie.

"I will...your majesty." Isabelle said as they got to the sleeping pod area.

"Call me Sam." Sam said as the two put Katie and Matt in the sleeping chamber.

"Of course Sam." Isabelle said as she spotted a puppy.

She put it in Katie's sleep chamber as Sam continued to speak to her.

"Stay safe and get in a pod." Sam commanded.

"Of course." Isabelle said as she stepped in a pod.

"Keep them safe for me." Sam said as Isabelle's pod closed.

"I will...." Isabelle said as she saw everything disappeared and her vision went dark.

Sam ran holding a sword he had headed down to the battlefield as the castle departed the planet.

"Your armies have fallen and so shall you." Haggar said as she and Sam went head to head.

"You will never win." Sam said.

"But I already have." Haggar said as she moved her sword and stabbed Sam.

Zarkon the took Sam's souls and trapped it.

"Voltron will be mine." Haggar said as she and Zarkon headed back to the ship.

"No mater what."

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