Chapter 1

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Three men stood on the ice moon. Taking a sample of the ground. Little did they know that a gigantic alien ship was headed their way.

"Isn't this interesting Lance?" A man with a Australian accent asked.

"You get more of a kick out of this then I do Coran." The male holding the extractor steady said.

"Just think this could hold the very secrets that the universe has to offer." A different male said.

" alien life!" Coran said with a big smile.

"That's right." The male said.

"Alfor if we find any clues to alien life what would we do?" Lance asked.

"Well we would probably need to find out if they are hostile or not for one. If not then we can talk to them. If so then we would need to figure out a way to boost earth's defenses." Alfor said.

"That's right!" Coran said.

Out of nowhere a spaceship was starting to loom over the ice moon.

"What's that?" Lance asked as the ship got closer.

The ship started to shoot a tractor beam at the sight the three were at.

"Run!" Alfor yelled as the three tried running away.

To no anvil. They were pulled to the ship and Lance had passed out. Lance soon woke up to a deep voice. He looked around to see purple fuzzy aliens around the controls.

"Please! We come from a peaceful planet! We mean you no harm!" Lance yelled out before being knocked out again.

Lance woke up to find himself being dragged. He looked around to see cells and hearing different voices. He was shocked.

-one year later-

"This is galaxy garrison rescue pod 93756 coming in to rescue the Kerberos mission pod." A boy said (random guy). "Keith what's the status of the ship?"

"We are in good condition sir." Keith said as he checked the blueprint to see any damage.

"Allen try to get in contact with the pod." The boy said.

"Roger." Allen said as he grabbed the com and tried to contact the Kerberos pod. "Kerberos mission. This is rescue pod Hanger 93756 asking permission to land." Allen said as he raised the com to his mouth. "Do you read me?" Allen said as the pod began to shake.

"What's happening?" The pilot yelled.

"Must be a cosmic storm. All the ships functions are in order!" Keith yelled.

"I can't get a signal over all the shaking!" Allen said as the shaking continued.

"Hold on tight!" The pilot said as the ship crashed on Kerberos.

"Dang it." All three students said.

"Alright come on out." A male said.

"Good job. Remember this simulator is supposed to put you threw the dangers of space. Only a collective few can pass. You all did great." The man said.

"Thank you Shiro!" The three said.


"So remind me again why your sneaking to the roof again?" Keith asked in his and Allen's room.

"There is something I need to figure out. Are you coming or not?" Allen asked.

"Fine. But only because I want to see the stars." Keith said as he got out of bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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