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Seated on a thatched mat, under the Neem tree were King Abusadiq and his best friend Sa'eed. He had removed his thobe and turban for the fresh damp air to blow his stress away. It had just rained so the air was cool. There is nothing as fulfilling as the scent of rain on the sandy soil of Birnin-Gabas. He surveyed his household; one could still see the mark of the palm broom around the courtyard. The servants are to sweep the compound three times a day. The traditional artifacts mounted at various parts of the courtyard made the place look serene, historical and of course a perfect representation of a palace in northern Nigeria. The walls were secured with electric barb wires. Beautiful flowers adorned the green and white painting of the walls. This certain Neem tree was his solace. He enjoyed resting here. He could have stayed in the Gazebo by the other end of the wall. But no; under the tree made him feel like a normal human. A human who didn't have the blood he has running through his veins, the blood that brought with it, a lot of responsibility, the blood which made him superior to every human in his kingdom, the blood which has successfully deprived him of every normal activity. At this point he would give everything to have a normal life. Having to sit through hours of nodding and waving was frustrating; he's never allowed to speak up in public. Always having to whisper things, which the royal spokesperson would later broadcast, was draining, but what could he do about it?
It's his duty, his father ruled during his time, so did his grandfather, and the one after his grandfather, the list goes on till his ancestors who founded their home, their sanctuary Birnin-Gabas!                                                    "I don't know what I'd do without you Sa'eed. Whenever you are around, I feel humane. It's actually refreshing having someone not bowing and paying respect. I can't wait for Haidar (first prince) to grow up so I can dump this responsibility on him. It's extremely frustrating" King Abusadiq said, smiling.
     "Oh shut it! You became King barely 2 years ago and you're already complaining like this. You honestly need to be flogged" Sa'eed retorted smiling at his best friend the king.
King Abusadiq and Sa'eed went way back. Sa'eed's mother was one of the maids back then. She was assigned specifically to the late King Uwaisu who is King Abusadiq's father. She prepared his meals, bath, his clothes, and every other duty he wanted. She was a nursing mother. She couldn't leave her child at home as she was married to the late King Uwaisu's trusted bodyguard named Saifu. There was nobody to take care of her poor Sa'eed, so she brought him to the palace. When the Queen mother Salma gave birth to Abusadiq, he was allowed to play with Sa'eed while growing up since they were almost the same age. Queen Salma had never failed to put Sa'eed in his place. She didn't want them getting too familiar with each other. But it didn't work because they had this crazy bond. It's like they are brothers. That crazy bond glued them together till today.
     "When I talk to you Sa'eed, I feel as if all my troubles have been solved. I'm so glad I have FatimaZahra (first wife and Queen). If you had not introduced me to her, I am pretty sure Safinah (second wife) and the others would have fried me alive, '' Sarki Abusadiq said, bursting into laughter. 
     "Fatima is an angel. The others well, not too much" he replied and joined his best friend laughing. They both laughed at their lives as they watched the maids going about their various businesses.
     "Is your mother still cranky about seeing me? '' Sa'eed asked, knowing Queen mother Salma would come out any minute now. She always attacks him verbally when she sees her son and Sa'eed together, she feels he's not worthy of her son's friendship. He's a maid's son for crying out loud. It's like she had her spies around who always inform her about Saeed's visits. Minutes after he arrives at the palace, she would appear out of nowhere and bombard Sa'eed with insults, demeaning words. King Abusadiq laughed at how his mother made a fuss around Sa'eed. She just hated the poor nice man. 
     "Yeah she is. Old habits die hard"
Queen mother Salma stayed with her husband_ a man who didn't like her, a man who only married her to please his family. Then, went ahead and married two more wives, got himself seven concubines. Only a strong woman would raise her chin up and face the world knowing she never had a home in her husband's heart till death stole him away.
Both King Abusadiq and Sa'eed's attention was drawn to the squeals and giggles of kids running around in circles, three kids in particular, Azeem the second prince, his twin sister Azeema  and Saeed's daughter Maleeka. They were chasing each other around, squealing and screaming like kids do. Sa'eed smiled at how his daughter was having so much fun here. Watching her play alone at home is quite depressing, so he would always bring her along when he comes visiting his friend so she could have friends to play with, just like how he played with King Abusadiq.
     "Sa'eed, Lets get Haidar and Maleeka married in the future" King Abusadiq said, peering at the cute girl who was hiding behind a tree to avoid getting caught by the twins. Sa'eed frowned on hearing this. He stared at his daughter who shrieked loudly in an attempt to get away from princess Azeema.
     "Allow them to make their choices Abusadiq. We don't even know how they will turn out in the future" Sa'eed said to his friend, who wasn't listening. He had made up his mind already. Getting Maleeka and his son Haidar married seemed more than right. Maleeka had so much life in her, while Haidar had this dark aura surrounding him. He's always grumpy and rude.
     Maleeka stopped laughing when she saw Prince Haidar, and his personal guard. She ran to the 12 year old boy and stretched her hand towards him. He looked at her in the most disgusting way ever. He was supposed to be a King for God's sake. Why would he hold a peasant's hand? Other than being annoying, she looked terrible in his sister's used clothes. She's always wearing Azeema's used clothes.
     "I am going to be the king of BirninGabas in the future! I refuse to touch a peasant like you, besides kings don't play" Prince Haidar said to the 8year old who found what he was saying utterly ridiculous.
But he wasn't playing.
He had a kingdom to rule. 
He had to be prepared. 
And this little dimwit was getting on his nerves; she always screamed and made noises when she visited their peaceful abode with her father. He would make sure no peasant enters the palace unless there's a special occasion when he becomes KING!.
     She peered at him before she caught the sight of something by the Baobab. In the far end of the wall stood a Jinn, who was sent by a certain someone to bury a marriage proposal in the king's heart. She had succeeded, but something about the little girl who was staring back at her surprised her. She's invisible, no one can see her. But, why was the little one coming closer to her? She couldn't understand why she hadn't left and why she's curious to see what the little girl intends to do.
     "Hello" Maleeka greeted beaming at the creature who seemed rather confused; she turned around to check if someone was standing beside or behind her. "What's your name?" Maleeka asked, moving closer to her.  The Jinn took a step back seeing the little girl was coming closer to her. The little girl's father yelled out her name loudly startling, the Jinn and his daughter.
    "Maleeka, what are you doing there? Come here this instant! How did you wander off alone? Haven't I told you to stop wandering around? Let's go home" her father Sa'eed ranted as he dragged his little girl away from the Jinn. Maleeka turned and stared at the Jinn for some seconds. She even smiled at her before turning around to avoid stumbling on a stone which might get her yelled at by her beloved father.

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