How does it feel,
To be unreal?
Just a fantasy..
A dream to me.
To be a fake;
And then tied to the stake;
The flames go high;
But you breath the smoke in, and sigh.
Your porcelain skin;
Becomes really thin.
And I get a view;
You’re like me too.
Inside, you’re the same,
But you hide her to shame.
You cover your lies,
But open your eyes.
We see your misery,
Just let her be.
That’s the girl you truly are.
She really is a shining star.
If you’d let her out; then you’d see.
That’s the person you’re meant to be.

The Ghosts of my past.
PoetryLiterally, the ghosts of my past. My pain and such. Poetry from 2008-2009.