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My Pov

I wake up before Adrien does. I recall all of the words that Mr.Fu had told us last night- this morning. All I have to do is convince my mother and Adrien's father to let us visit the U.S, pay for food (and souvineirs), convince everyone that me and him are a couple and then just get to the U.S. I sigh as I stare up at the celing. I finally decide to get up after about 10mins of staring at the celing. I walk out quietly, closing the door behind me with Fang following closely behind, he yawns, 'Where are you going?' "I need some regular clothes, I'm gonna ask Natalie if she has any spare clothes. Mr.Agreste is a fashion designer after all." I walk down the stairs and see Natalie standing outside of Mr.Agreste's office. "Excuse me? Uhm.....I was wondering if you had any spare female clothes for me....I forgot to bring an extra pair of clothes....everything was all so sudden." She nods, right this way Ms. Auclair. She then leads me into a room full of clothes, "Woah, this is so cool!" She nods, "Indeed, these are many of Mr.Agreste's older fashion designs." She says, "They're beauiful still!" "Indeed. Be my guest, you may wear and keep whatever you would like." "Seriously? What about Mr.Agreste? Is it alright to keep one of his designs?" "Yes, he will not mind. Trust me." She then walks out of the room, closing the door behind her, leaving me to get dressed.

Narrator's Pov

Natalie then makes her way to Mr.Agreste's office and opens the door. "I hope you don't mind but I allowed Ms.Auclair to have one of your older design clothes. She was wearing Adrien's shirt. It seems that they have a strong attachment to one another." "Yes indeed Natalie. She is someone special to him..." "You know sir, this could be a good thing for the company." He then looks up at her with intrest, "How so?" "She is the daughter of 2 of the most influential people in Paris, it would look good for us if they were in a close relationship. "The Agreste Family in a reliance with the Auclair's," Her family has a LOT of money, we could form a relationship with them and we could get Adrien more well known and it would be more money for this company and it would make us look good because we are caring for the 'fatherless child'." Mr.Agreste thinks thoughtfully on the matter, "That's true. I will have to talk to her mother about it. If Adrien likes this girl I have no problem with it, I enjoy her company very much." "Shall I set up a meeting with her mother then?" "Yes, make it as soon as possible."

My Pov

Although all of the outfits were gorgeous none of them were really "my style" but I settled on a beautiful dress. The top of it was a solid navy blue with the sleves that allowed my shoulders to show and the bottom had bright yellow sunflowers, she front was shorter than the back. I also found some cute black heels which I wore with the dress. I never wear heels so it was difficult to walk in them. I then head back to Adrien's room but he isn't there. I shrug my shoulders and grab some lipstick, foundation, eyeshadow and bobypins and walk into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom I put on natural colored eyeshadow, foundation and light pink lipstick. If I'm gonna wear a dress I might as well have a little bit of lipstick.

~Meanwhile, in the kitchen~

Narrator's Pov

In the kitchen Adrien sits down for breakfast, "Natalie, do you know where (y/n) is? Did she leave?" "No, she is changing. I let her borrow some of your father's old clothes designs, she's probably just getting dressed. "Oh, OK. I'll wait until she gets here to eat."

My Pov

I soon am ready for breakfast after brushing my teeth. I walk down the stairs and see Adrien sitting down, he hasn't even touched his food. "Omg! Were you waiting for me? I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were waiting for me." I say embarassed. "N-no. It's OK." He just looked down at his hands under the table. I walk to the table and sit next to him. He doesn't even look me straight in the eyes, "Do I look that bad that you can't look me in the eyes?" He then looks up at me with a face like I had just punched him, "What?! No! It's look so beautiful when I look at you my heart races...I think I might have a heartattack if I look at you any longer." I just blush at him, "I must look like a monster then on a regular basis." I joke around with him and he just laughs, "Never. You're always beautiful." I smile at him. Just then Natalie coughs as if to say 'You do realize I'm still here right?' I totally forgot about her, "Thank you." For the next hour we talk and joke around and talk about our plans for the day. "Actually, today I need to go home to talk to my mom about something." I wink at him hoping he gets it. "Oh, that's right. Sorry to have you over so suddenly." I giggle, "It's OK. I had fun. Well, I'm gonna go grab my things from your room then I'll be on my way." He nods, "OK. I will be waiting," He mouths the nickname, 'Boo bear'. He's a mess. I just roll my eyes and chuckle lightly.

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