Chapter 11 - Goodbye

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The three mermaids cheer and celebrate the disappearance of the blue meanies. "We make a great team!" Said Madison. "You're right about that, sis!" Said Rachel. "No blue meanies are ever gonna come back and cause trouble around these waters again!" Said Phoebe. The girls high five each other. A worried expression suddenly appears on Madison's face. "Where's Paul?!" She asked. They look around until Phoebe points him out. "Over there!" She said.

Paul was laying unconscious on the shore. "I'll be right back, girls!" Madison said. She swims to the shore and cradles Paul in her arms. "Paul, can you hear me?! Please, wake up!" She pleaded. Madison gently shakes Paul to try to wake him up. No movement. "Come on, Paul! Please, don't leave me! I love you!" She said. He still doesn't move. Madison feels her eyes filling with tears. "Come back to me! I'm begging you! Don't die, please!" She begged. Once again, no movement.

Madison breaks down into tears. Suddenly, she hears coughing. It was Paul. He opens his eyes and sees Madison right above him. His vision started out blurry, but, cleared up after a minute. "Madison?" He said in a whisper. A huge smile appears on Madison's face. She wraps Paul into the tightest hug of all. "I thought I lost you!" She said. "I did too, sweetheart." Said Paul.

After they release each other Madison's smile fades into a frown. "What's wrong, Madi?" Paul asked. "I hope you're not mad at me." Madison said. "Oh, sweetie, why would I be mad at you?!" Asked Paul. "When you first saw me, I was a human. But, I'm really a mermaid. I had a limited time of being human, which is why my legs became a tail after three days of sunset." Said Madison.

"Darling..." Paul was about to speak until Madison cuts him off. "I understand if you don't wanna be with me anymore. Because, mermaids and humans don't mix. Rachel was right. It's impossible for us to be together." She said. "Madison, please..." Before Paul could say another word, he's once again cut off. "Besides, I'm a mermaid and you're a human. My life is in the water and your life is on land." Madison said. She starts to make her way back into the ocean until Paul grabs her hand.

"Wait! Please, don't go!" He begged. "I'm sorry, Paul, but..." Paul cuts Madison off before she could finish. "Madison, darling, listen to what I have to say! I don't care if you're a mermaid! I still want to be with you!" Paul said desperately. Madison tries to smile, but, frowns instead. "I can't do this, Paul. I love you. Really, I do. But, we're different from each other. So, let me take a moment to just say... goodbye." She said.

Paul's eyes fill up with tears. They immediately roll down his cheeks. "No! I don't want you to leave! Please, stay with me!" He pleaded. "I'll never forget you, Paul McCartney. I wish you well." Said Madison. As tears roll down her cheeks, she starts to sing to send a farewell message to Paul.

Even if I had the strength
Even if I could be brave
I don't know how to let you go
Oh, how I've tried

Cause living without you Is like living a lie
A world without color
A lost lullaby

And living without you Is like gasping for air
A day without sunlight A night without prayer
So hurry Before I change my mind

I give my heart I give my life
So take my heart
Take my goodbye

I close my eyes
And let you fly
Take my goodbye


Madison slowly lets go of Paul's hand and dives back into the ocean. Paul watches her swim away as his heart began to break into a thousand pieces. "Why did I let her go?" He thought to himself. Once Madison was out of sight, Paul slowly walks back to his suite with his head hanging low and quietly sobbing.

I got the idea of using this song for when Madison said goodbye to Paul while singing. I thought it was very fitting for the situation. Tap the thumbnail to hear the song. ~ Amanda

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