Protecting Secrets - Chapter 1

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This is unlike other stories you will hear. The heroine isn't some girl who has watched everyone she loves die, yet defy all odds and manage to become a powerful, strong willed girl.

The hero isn't some sex god. Because lets be honest here, they don't exist in real life.

This isn't a story about how he proves his love for her, every single day, and they end up together with five breathtaking gorgeous children.


This is not a story about a fantasy; where love is good and triumphs all. This is a story that shows the other side of loves nature; where it is bad. When love takes lives, drives wedges between people, destroys everything.

It is about a young lady, barely of age in fact, who has to choose between two things. This story is based around a single decision, where the right option can seem like the wrong option, but you still have to take it anyways.

Men in dark suits were scattered around the room. With pens and blackberries, and notebooks, and every form of apple product known to man. They stood there silently, watching the two in the centre of the room.

To one side was a dark man. His face was animated as he spoke: he was evidently very eager at his proposal. As he moved, the eyes of everyone within the room follow him.

He was speaking to a young lady, with her short dark black hair pinned back, with a few strands having escaped the hold. She looked clean, and although she was wearing simple clothes, she presented herself well. But her eyes were dark, with the shadow beneath impossible to hide.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, and the man before her fell instantly silent despite being in mid sentence. "I understand what you are proposing to me. As much as I am honestly flattered by your offer, I am afraid I cannot accept."

He looked shocked.

"Miss. Working for me-"

"-Is a huge honour. I know. You work your whole life in this field, in hopes that you will be given an opportunity not unlike this. But I simply can't."

His face fell. Rising from his seat, he looked down at the girl before him.

"I don't think you do understand. You are the only person who could have helped me." She rose from her seat too.

"Mr President. I am sorry, but I cannot help you. I am not who you are looking for."

At that, our young heroine politely bowed and immediately exited the room. As she walked away, all she could think about were the reasons in which she just turned down the offer to protect the American Present and his family.

And she knew she made the wrong call...

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