Protecting Secrets - Chapter 4

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Dee held on tightly to Chris's arm.

He mumbled a little about loss of circulation to his fingers, took a swig of beer, and fell silent. Still, Dee hung on.

"Miss Ingland. He is ready to see you. If Mr Jones can wait here for a moment..." An elderly man let his words trail off, indicating that it was time for Dee to leave.

"I'll be right back, I promise. Please, I'm begging you Chris. Behave!" She murmured privately to him, before hurriedly following the elderly man. As they walked along, she noticed him watching her from the side of his eyes suspiciously, and knew that he would be one of the many people she will need to spend time with, if this was to work.

"My name is Davina." She introduced herself, with a wide smile. "You are?"

"Evan, Madam. "

"Its a pleasure to meet you Evan." He looked at her directly when she said that, evidently curious as to who she was, and why she was so happy. When he deemed her not dangerous, he responded.

"Likewise Miss Davina. And here we are. If you would just enter through the door to the right, I shall wait outside. "

"Thank you Evan. I will see you soon."

As her hand raised to open the door, he interrupted.

"Miss Davina. If I may just add something, for a moment." He stepped forward, quietly whispering the next part. "The President organised for me to cancel all his meetings, when he heard you came to visit him. I hope you are not going to disappoint him, young lady."

"Believe me sir. I will not."

When she entered, it was in an entirely different room to anything she had ever stepped into before. There were photo frames along the walls, with family and friends within. The room held chairs and tables that weep of wealth and luxury, but also comfort too. It appeared as though the room was a more personal room than others within this white house.

"Davina Ingland! It is such a pleasure to see you again." She spun around, and looked at the dark man who stood before a table at the far edge of the room.

"Mr President! Thank you for seeing me today. I am sorry if I interrupted anything."

"Interrupted anything? No no. You are quite alright. I must admit- please, sit down!" He added as he shuffled her into a seat. "I must admit, after our last meeting, I didn't think I would be seeing you... well, ever again actually."

Dee squirmed a little in her seat, with the slightly confused look the president gave her as he took his seat on the other side of the table.

"I'm sorry about the way our last meeting ended. That was entirely unprofessional."

"You need not apologise. I am afraid my proposition put you a little on the spot. I should have presented the situation better to you."

Dee laughed lightly, despite all the sadness within.

"How about an agreement, if we may? It was done poorly by both parties?"

"Absolutely!" he agreed. "No need to mention it our errors, again?"

"Absolutely!" Dee laughed, as she too agreed.

"So, what can I do for you today?"

"Well, Sir. I've been thinking about your proposition. And I have decided to take you up on your offer, and work for you as your family's personal security."

His eyes widened, and for the first time the whole meeting, when he smiled, it lit up his entire face. For there was hope for him, something he hadn't had in a long time. He leaned eagerly forward.

"That. Is simply. Wonderful news! I am thrilled to hear it! When can you start?"

"Right away. I just have one simple request, if I can?"

"Anything!" The president assured her.

Dee sighed. She had thought about it for a week. Pondering it, trying to see another solution. But there was nothing she could do. Dee knew that she needed to find a way to protect the President, look after her country, but also look after Chris.

"Mr President. If it's alright with you, I would love to keep my best friend here with me. I promised to look after him, and keep him out of trouble. I just need to be there for him, just at this moment. He needs me."

The man before her looked surprised with her request, and opened his mouth to ask for more details regarding her best friend. But there was something in her eyes. Something than made him close his mouth again, and simply nodded in agreement to her only request.

As Dee rose, she had a quick thought.

"Sir, does your wife have maybe, siblings?"

"A younger step sister named Annet. Why do you ask?"

"Oh. Step sister would work even better! I was wondering, can we inform others that I am Annet's daughter? As your wife's step sister, nobody would have looked into her family for she doesn't hold any immediate connection with you. If I am able to blend in to your family, act as though I belong with you, a lot less suspicions would arise."

"And what reason would you have for staying with us?"

"Let's say that my parents, are going through a really nasty divorce, and you are helping to look after me while they sort themselves out." He looked closely at me, confirming that I was serious.

"Its okay Sir. I will hide from the lime light, nobody will look closer. It will just mean that I can do my job without people interfering, or suspecting me. I'll just be a distant family member in the background.

And at that, Dee Ingland officially become a part of the American Presidents personal security.


This is a story that I have been working on for sort while already. I am loving the relationships, and where I can take it. Hopefully you guys do to... Let me know your thoughts!!!


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