Nigeria—> former British colony.
High quality crude oil.
Biafron War—> Igbo ( the group Ifemelu and Obinze are from) tried to become independent —> ethical tension +control of oil field.
Long history of dictators—> democracy since 1999.
Corruption in Nigeria —> once self sufficient country, British out taxes plus imports, Famines occurred that were blamed on over population and conventional farming methods, there is no recognition or name placed upon colonial practices to this day.
US and UK are deeply involved in this corruption—> they've turned Nigeria into a metro-state.
American consumption habits are connected to Nigerian problems—> they are external actors coming in as savours —> they support dictators and intervene to keep control of the oil export.
In 2008 Obama was elected as the first black President of America.
This is about cross-cultural journey—> understanding our own countries problems better and building potential connections.
Adichie went to America as well, American Black and African American differences were met ( Nigerians were not taught of the salve trade), incident with hair relaxer is based on her life experience. She also had a fellowship in Princeton like Ifemelu.
Although this is a feminist novel, relationship between women are under-developed.
No explanation behind the problems+ an ambiguous ending.
International Journey—> Alienation, Expectation vs Reality (in children and relationships as well) —> Acceptance.
Privilege and Hybridity
Praxis or thoughtful action after judging the state of ones's country compared to another.
Corruption—> class difference.
Youth + Love —> Dike and Aunty Uju too. Self love.
Identity—> losing self.
Family Influences.
Innocence and the loss of it.
White Privilege.
Women bringing other women down instead of empowering each other—> Shan, Kosi, women at hair salon, Doris, Esther.
Life and Death.
Language and Style:
Third-person narrative with two perspectives—> Ifemelu's and Obinze's.
Images and Symbols:
Fake IDs
Important Quotations:
To have money, it seemed, was to be consumed by money. -Obinze
This is how Nigeria works- Nneoma on white manger
Too much trouble. -Kayode about Ifemelu
Looks like a Black American- Obinze complimenting Ifemelu
Nature is unfair to women -Obinze's mother
Have a plan -Obinze's mother
America had subdued her. -Ifemelu on Aunty Uju
Settled merely for what is familiar. -Ifemely on Aunty Uju
Merely hungry for choice and certainty
Racism should never have happened so you don't get a cookie for reducing it. -Ifemelu's blog post
My president is black like me. -Dike
Black people are physically inclined and white people are intellectually inclined.- Blaine's teachers
You do not marry the man you love, you marry the man that can best maintain you. - Priye
Everything is set up for you to steal. -Obinze's friends
Whitness is something to aspire to.
We don't talk about things like depression in Nigeria but it's real.
A wealthy Nigeria who did not want the world to forget how worlds she was.
It will unveil itself.- Ifemelu's father
Raised well and watered but mired in dissatisfaction. -the youth of Nigeria.
The oppressive lethargy of choilcessness
America had subdued her [Aunty Uju]
For summary and analysis:
English Literature 9695
Não FicçãoThis is a compilation of all the essays and notes I wrote while I was in ALevels. It must be noted that not all of of these are A* material (though none goes lower than a grade B) so they aren't meant to be copy pasted for your school assignments. U...