Just Thinking

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Austin POV

Even though, we didn't work out at that specific time, we still could be together in the future. It killed me to tell her to move on but I didn't want her to wait for me. I didn't deserve her. She deserves to have an amazing guy.

Me and my mom were having a special group load our boxes onto a plane and ship everything to Miami. We lived like right on the beach in a hotel residence.

At least, I could tell my kids that I fell in love. I experienced the butterflies and all the feelings that came with love. I was going to tell them love was like the wind. It was powerful but kind. It makes you weak at first but makes you stronger over time. Wind makes you cold but gives you warmth. Similarly, Love makes you feel scared but gives you confidence and courage. Love gives you a reason to live. Love is what keeps you going on the worst days and best days of your life. Love is a feeling that can't be replaced by any other feeling in the entire world. I'm so grateful that I fell in love with Jasmine. Some people try to find true love their whole life and they never do. We were the lucky ones. I found my other half.

"Hey! Do you want anything to drink?" My mom asks me. I think she asked me a couple times before that because she looked irritated. I said no and she asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing, mom. I just fell in love with girl and I can't imagine living without her. I can't deal with the fact, that she probably hates me right now for leaving without telling her. I made so many stupid mistakes and I ruined everything. I know that this could be my "big break" but I just lost the love of my life."

"Austin, who is this fabulous girl? Why haven't I met her? Why are you so sure that she was the "love of your life"? You are only 15, Austin. You have your whole life ahead of you. Your career is really important at the moment."

"MOM! You don't understand what it's like to lose the love of your life!" I knew that was wrong to say when it came out of my mouth. " OMG, mom I'm so sorry. I know Dad was the love of your life. I'm sorry I said that, you didn't deserve that. I love you. I'm just a little stressed and upset right now."

"Austin, that was really rude, but I forgive you because I know you didn't mean it. But tell me about this girl!"

"She's beautiful, mom. She reminds me of you. She is strong and brave. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and she has always stuck up for me. She isn't like all the other bitches at my school who care about how they look and how perfect their outfit is. Yet, she isn't one of those ghetto creeps who wear trash bags to school every day, either. She is perfect to me. She always has been but until these past few weeks, I haven't realized how much I loved her. Now, it's too late and I don't have a chance with moving to Miami."

"What's this girls name? Why haven't I met her?"

"Her name is Jasmine, and you have met her. You grew up with her dad and we lived next to them."

"OMG! Austin, that is so sweet. She has liked you for so long. She always told me how much she liked you and how cute you were. She never knew how to tell you though. She told me that she cried herself to sleep some nights because she was in love with her best friend and she couldn't tell you.

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