Chapter 1

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I love to sing

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I love to sing. In fact, according to my mom I've been singing since before I can remember. She loves telling anyone who will listen how I was singing opera in my car seat. My dad says I was just screaming because they were screaming; but he's a consummate jokester.

If you knew me you'd know I'm actually a pretty quiet, slightly shy person. But I really do have a talent and singing opera has definitely helped me come out of my shell, somewhat. I mean when I'm on stage I feel like I can be and do anything. When I'm off the stage I feel like it's best to get advice from others before stepping out on my own, just in case.

My voice is what they call a coloratura contralto in the opera world. It's a rare voice type and it is what has earned me this glorious paper I now hold in my hand.

But let me back up. A few months ago I was called into my theater teacher's office in the middle of the day. Mrs. Ramira heard me singing outside after school one day. The parking lot was pretty empty and I was waiting on my mom to pick me up. She tapped me on the shoulder and when I removed my headphones she informed me that as of this day I was a part of the glee club and theater.

When mom finally arrived she asked her to talk to dad about getting a private singing coach for me. She's really amazing, so I was surprised when she asked to see me in the middle of algebra. Surprised but not upset to get out of there for a while.

"Valentina," Mrs. Ramira nearly shouted when I made it to her office.

"I have the most wonderful news for you, she continued, a scout from Blushington came to our last production and heard you sing. They want to offer you a chance to apply to their arts program!"

I nearly fainted. Blushington is the most prestigious arts and science academy for girls in the country, maybe even in the world. It's basically the Tesla of schools. I'd just received the most wonderful news, and I just stood there with my mouth open like a baby bird.

Mrs. Ramira snapped her fingers in my face a few times and I broke out into a full shriek, that I quickly wanted back. But my smile was probably literally ear to ear. She grabbed me and proceeded to twirl us both around until we were delirious.

"All of your hard work has paid off dear. This could open so many doors for you," she said suddenly getting teary eyed. "I'm going to miss you so much."

They've only given me the opportunity to apply I reminded her. However she is convinced I'm in, gives me the application and shooes me away while she grabs some tissues. When I get back to algebra, they were on the same equation as they were when I left. My friend Rebecca leaned over to ask what Mrs. Ramira wanted and I told her she just had some paper work for me.

Tuning out my teacher I wondered if I really wanted to leave my friends and start over at a new school. Even one as amazing as Blushington.

I've always gotten good grades, excelled in the theater and had a small but great group of friends. I had to consider if I was as good as everyone thinks or would I be a small fish in a big pond at Blushington? Mrs. Ramira seemed to think I had what it took. Maybe I was worried about nothing.

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