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It's been 2 months since Lukas being part of WWE NXT rosters. Finally its 3 weeks before NXT TakeOver Toronto and Lukas still have no opponent. That night, Lukas was called to Triple H office before taping.

"Boss, I'm here", said Lukas.

"Ah, Lukas. Please have a sit", said Triple H.

"So, boss. What do you need from me?" asked Lukas.

"You see. You have been here for 2 months. This will be your first TakeOver. I think you might be wonder who will be your opponent, am I right?" asked Triple H.

"Yes, sir", said Lukas.

"Well, guess what. You'll face a legendary tag team with an old friend of yours as your partner. He left WWE 5 years ago when his contract expired. But since he left us in good terms, unlike some other whining former superstar, I let him return here for TakeOver Toronto just to be your partner in your first pay per view here in WWE NXT", said Triple H. Lukas was surprised.

"Boss, you don't mean..." before Lukas can finished his word, Triple H cuts him.

"Yes, he's the one. Tonight you will only have to do promo. No match for you. And then he will appear and both of you and the rest of the Forgotten Sons will beat up your opponent", said Triple H.

"Very well, sir. Thank you so much", said Lukas.

"You're welcome, son. Now you may leave", said Triple H. Then, Lukas left.

Later, Lukas makes his way to the catering area where he saw Io sitting alone.

"Hey, sweetheart", said Lukas. He then kisses Io before takes a seat at her side.

"Hey, babe. Do you have a match tonight?" asked Io.

"Nope, just a promo tonight", said Lukas.

"Really. I have a match against Bianca tonight", said Io.

"Want to stay with me tonight?" asked Lukas.

"Sorry, I've promise Kaori-san to go home straight", said Io.

"Never mind. There's always next time. To be honest, I never thought we will be back together", said Lukas.

"Yeah. Consider how our relationship ended before and how I piss you off since you get here, it's a miracle", said Io. Lukas just chuckled. Later, the show producer came and tells Io it's her time for his match.

"There's your queue. Goodluck baby", said Lukas before gives Io a hug and kisses her cheeks.

"Thank you", said Io before left to her match.

After Io's match;

Lukas was standing by at the gorilla to go out and makes promo when Io came.

"Good match, baby. You don't even sweat", said Lukas.

"Well, the booker wants us to do just a short match. So, that's it", said Io.

"Okay, then. Now, time to meet an old friend", said Lukas.

"Old friend? Who is it? Do I know him?" asked Io.

"Well, you'll know it later. Now, need to go", said Lukas.

"Good luck, babe", said Io before kiss Lukas's cheeks. Later, 'Do Unto Others' hits and Lukas makes his entrance with the rest of The Forgotten Sons. After he enters the ring, he asks for a mic.

"It's been 2 months since I came here to WWE NXT. 1st month, I'm wasting my time kicking Johnny Gargano's ass. Later, I'm still here kicking some weakling's ass just to prove to everybody who the hell I am. Now, 3 weeks before TakeOver Toronto, all my brothers of The Forgotten Sons already have matches but what about me? I'm here and still don't have any opponent. What the hell is wrong in this company? If there's nobody else in this company that can fight me, why don't someone else out there face me IF there still people that have balls out there unlike these pathetic NXT Universe", said Lukas followed by loud 'Boo' from the NXT Universe. Suddenly, 'We're Coming Down' hits. The crowds cheer up wildly as The Dudley Boyz makes their entrance.

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