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Lukas managed to get a week off from Triple H especially when he will have new character. Therefore, he decided to go back to Germany since it's been a while since he returned there. He even brings Io with him as he wants to introduce her to his uncle and aunt.

"Oh my good. I'm so nervous right now", said Io.

"Don't worry. They will like you", said Lukas.

"I hope so", said Io. Then, Lukas and Io take a taxi go to the Kahn's residence. After paid for the taxi and take their luggage, Lukas rings the door bell. A moments later the door's opened by his aunt, Svenja Kahn.

"Oh mein Gott, Lukas. Was für eine Überraschung, dich hier zu sehen, mein Neffe", said Svenja before hugs Lukas (Oh my god, Lukas. What a surprise to see you here, my nephew).

"Du weißt, ich mag es, Überraschungen zu machen", said Lukas after his aunt let him go. (You know I like making surprises)

"Wer ist dieses süße Mädchen, das du hier mitbringst?" asked Svenja. (Who is this cute girl that you bring with you here?)

"Oh, tante Svenja. Sie ist meine Freundin, Io. Dear, this is my aunty Svenja", said Lukas. (Oh, aunty Svenja. She is my girlfriend, Io).

"Oh, how you're doing, gorgeous?" asked Svenja before hugs Io.

"I'm good, aunty", said Io.

"Komm rein, ihr beide", said Svenja. (Come on in, both of you).

"Okay, tante. Let's go, babe", said Lukas. Then, both Lukas and Io go inside.

"Wo ist Onkel Oliver?" asked Lukas when they are inside his old bedroom. (Where is uncle Oliver?)

"Noch beim fernsehsender. Wusste er, dass du hier bist?" asked Svenja. (Still at the TV Station. Did he knows you'll be here?)

"Ja, Tante Svenja", said Lukas. (Yes, Aunty Svenja)

"Ich werde unten sein. Ruhe euch beide aus", said Svenja. (I'll be downstairs. Take a rest both of you)

"in Ordnung, Tante. Danke vielmals", said Lukas. (Alright, Aunty. Thanks alot). Then, Svenja left.

"Wow, your aunty is gorgeous", said Io.

"Well, she just 40 years old this year", said Lukas.

"I see. Do you think she likes me?" asked Io.

"Positive. Babe, you're worry too much", said Lukas.

"Of course I am", said Io.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine", said Lukas. Io just nodded. Later, Lukas takes Io to the kitchen where Svenja and his 8 years old cousin, Julian are there.

"Hallo Julian", greeted Lukas.

"Hallo Bruder Lukas", greeted Julian.

"Wie ist die Schule heute?" asked Lukas. (How's school today?)

"Wie immer. Langweilig.", said Julian. (Just like usual. Boring). Lukas laughed.

"Das können Sie mir glauben. Sie werden es vermissen, wenn Sie erwachsen sind", said Lukas. (Believe me. You will miss it when you're grown up).

"Übrigens, wer ist diese Dame?" asked Julian. (By the way, who is this lady?)

"Treffe meine freundin, Io. Sie ist Japanerin. Sie verstand also kein Deutsch. Babe, this is my cousin, Julian. I'm not sure if he can understand English or not", said Lukas. (This is my girlfriend, Io. She's a Japanese. So, she didn't understand German)

"Actually, I can. Hi, Io", greeted Julian.

"Hi, Julian. Good to see you", said Io.

"I watched your heel turn. It seem real. Are you and Candice LeRae are real life enemy?" asked Julian.

THE PANZER OF THE SKY (IO SHIRAI X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now