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"I, Taylor Alison Swift, take Joseph Matthew Alywn to be my lovely wedded husband. Joe, I've known you for two years. That's a lot of time that I've spent with you. And even though I've been through a lot between that timeline, I know it was one of the best ones because I had the best times with you. You were there when others couldn't and I'm so grateful that you were the one to support me when everyone turned against me, you were the one who loved me more than I could ever imagine when everyone hated me, you were there when I was at my lowest. I never thought I'd ever get into this situation because I had always believed that everything and everyone will eventually get out of my life. I'm so honored to be here with you Joe. I really look forward to a lifetime with you. I love you so much." She slipped the ring into his finger. She smiled with teary eyes. This is something she'd dream of as a kid and for it to happen, it made her so ecstatic.

"I, Joseph Matthew Alwyn, take Taylor Alison Swift as my beloved wife. There's a lot of things that I absolutely love about you. Like the endless nights you'd want to watch the same movies and shows all over again. Well, there's more but for the sake of this wedding, I'll save it for another day." He winked while the audience laughs. "But there's one thing that I absolutely love about you. You fight for what is right. That's why I married you, Taylor. Because in the end, even after the endless fights that we may have, I know that we'd still be together. We'd fight for our love. You know, I'm grateful that I'm so incredibly in love with you. This is it Taylor, the start of a new chapter. I can't wait to start a family with you. I can't to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much Taylor. Please never forget that no matter what happens because since the moment that I first saw you, until today,  I never ever stopped loving you. And I won't stop anytime soon. Till' death do us part. I love you so much." He slipped the ring in her finger and looked up at Taylor, who had tears falling down her face.

"I now, pronounce you, Husband and Wife! You made now kiss the bride."

Taylor placed her arms on Joe's shoulder, then He did the almighty bridal kiss.


♡One Year Later♡
"Taylor, vanilla or caramel?" Joe asked His wife, Taylor. "Vanilla Caramel." She answered, going to the kitchen to see what he was doing. "Smells good. What are you making, anyways?" He smiled and put down the whisk. "A cake, for tomorrow." Taylor's face lit up,  remembering what tomorrow was.

"Damn, it's been a year already?" He nodded, looking at her. He cupped her face, and gave her a kiss. "I love you." He said afterwards. Their eyes met, they just looked at each other with the look of love. She blushed, "I love you more."

"Wanna help me?" Joe asked. She nodded and helped him make the cake batter.

An hour later, they were putting the cake together. While Taylor was putting the frosting,  Joe decided to tease her. "Taylor, look!" He said like a child. "What-" Joe put frosting on her nose which had him bursting in laughter. "Oh, so you wanna do this, huh?" She took her spatula, got some frosting and smothered it all over his face. She threw her head back laughing, like a kid.

At some point, they were taking handfuls of frosting and throwing them across the kitchen as if they were snowballs. "Shit! There's no more frosting!" Taylor shouted, laughing.

They looked at each other, then at the cake (which was not even half done).

"Well, this is gonna be one pain in the ass to clean. Not to mention that we have to make another bowl of frosting." Taylor said. "We'd better start cleaning up. We can finish the cake tomorrow." He replied with a frown. "Let's clean up first though." She added. He nodded and put the unfinished cake in the fridge.

With his hand around her waist, they headed to their bathroom.

Taylor stopped walking. "Joe," she whispered. Taylor goes unconscious, her body falls into Joe's arms. "Taylor? Taylor?" He repeatedly said. He quickly took out his phone from his back pocket and called 911. 5 minutes later, the ambulance came and brought Taylor to the hospital. Joe waited patiently in the waiting area knowing that if he'd make a scandal it wouldn't do any good.

The doctor- Dr. Williams, approached Joe to update him about Taylor's condition. "Mr. Alwyn?" He announced, Joe stood up and approached him. "Good evening, Sir. Follow me."

He redirected Joe to Taylor's room. Before He goes in, The Doctor tapped his shoulder to update him. "I'm gonna update you about your wife, Taylor Alwyn." He slightly nodded and relaxed his shoulders.

"There's nothing wrong with your wife. The cause of her faint was due to tiredness and fatigue. Besides that, there's nothing else." Joe smiled and nodded. "Ooh there's one more before you go in, I think it's best that you tell her yourself." The British actor paused and listened to Dr. Williams attentively.

"Your wife is pregnant!" He whispered, knowing that they probably wouldn't like it if it came out into the public. "Oh my god. Really?" Dr. Williams nodded. "100% sure. She's 10 weeks along." Joe's eyes were glowing in joy, and his smile was about to reach his eyes. "You may go in now. Congratulations." The two shook hands. "Thank you, Dr. Williams."

Once the Doctor left, Joe had time to processing what was just said to him. I'm going to be a father?! What the fuck? He told himself. Joe couldn't believe it. Taylor and He had spent months trying, and it happened. It's the next chapter of their lives and he can't wait.


"Joe! Help please!" Taylor shouted from the kitchen. "Coming!" He shouted back from their bedroom. " " inaudible is gonna be late for school!" His wife, shouted once more. "Aight," He fixed up his shirt and helped his wife prepare their kid's stuff. "Let's go?" Joe gestured to his kid, holding his/her hand. "Let's go! I'm so excited, daddy."

The three Alwyn's got into the car, and then they drove to inaudible's school.

Joe knelt down to his child's level, handed his/her bag, and said, "Aight, you have fun kid. I love you so much." The child blushed and hugged his/her child. "I will, daddy." Inaudible kissed his/her Father's cheek, waved goodbye to his/her parents and ran to his/her classroom.


Joe went into the room, with the nurse supervising Taylor. "Excuse me." The nurse left the room and left the two alone.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" His thick accent calmed Taylor. "I'm okay."

Joe's eyes lit up again. "I have some news." He blurted out getting his Wife's attention again. "What is it? Am I sick? Is it fatal? Are we going to stay here for l-"

She was stopped as soon as she saw Her husband's Big smile. "Well, what is it that you're smiling about?"

He took a deep breath and said:

"We're gonna be parents... "


hi um okay uh idk what is this. idk when imma update again bcs I'm busy lol.

sorry if this was short for you. it's literally like 1.2k words skdisiejd

uh yeah that's all I'm gonna yeet ✈️ and make cookies

Love, Pea♡

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