Making New "Friends"

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Tch...Who does she think she is? I'm supposed to be Black Hat's first choice! I even did what he told me too, like stayed away or leave him be. I could've cooperate easily instead of this slut. Hpmh! Why her of all people? What do I don't have what she have?

I sulked down like a child that I am across her. She needs to distance herself from him before I do. Flug sighed, annoyed because I gave the bitch a bruise on her back. A smirk was visible at the corner of my lips.

" Demencia, it wasn't her fault and you know that right?" He spoke, my eyes glared at her and let out a huff. " It could've been me and not her...Was Black Hat blind by her?" I asked harshly. The girl groaned;

" Look dumbass, He r a p e d me. I couldn't do anything because he was much more powerful than I am. I'll be gladly to let it happen to you instead of me. But newsflash buddy, he fucked me without my permission...I don't want to be here either." She said, her emotion swirling and had a warning around her. Her eyes kept changing until it went back to her natural hue. I sighed in defeat, I mean my sweetie pie is strong and I've just wished it was me. " Fine. I believe you, but I'm not apologizing you. You deserved it."

" Why you lil-" She sent a glare at the scientist before he shut up.

" It's fine really, I don't get why he, of all people had to torture me...-" a grumbling sound interrupted her sentence. My eyes went everywhere...

" Who did that? Is it that stupid bear? " I asked, annoyed.

" No, it's not. It's her... She didn't eat anything last night. I should get something for you (y/n). "
The doc offered and got up to the fridge while me... Staring at her.

" Tell me... What was it like, you know... To be claimed by him?" I asked her out of curiosity.

She blinked twice and furrowed her brows at me as in am I insane kinda look.

" Jeez, don't get me started. It was fucking disaster and disappointing, really. He was fucking tiny and isn't good at fucking people."

" You're sure?"

" Oh y-yeah! He can't even last long! It was such a waste of energy." she scoffed and let out a nervous laugh.

I sighed and my face cringed in disappointment.

" I guess you're not bad as I thought you would be newbie. But I'm warning you, keep your distance from him."

" I'm planning to, thanks for the reminder. " (y/n) grumbled.

" I'm back... What did I missed?" Flug chirped and put down a plate full of spaghetti infront of her. A soft purr emits from her throat.

" Rawr?" a low noise came entered the room...oh its that damn bear.

" Hey 5.0.5! Say hi to (y/n)!"

He did and nuzzled her a bit... I scoffed.

" Now, since we've befriend her instead of being enemies...we need to keep it a secret so Black Hat won't know. Alright? " the doc declared, I nodded and the bear let out a soft growl while (y/n) looked at us with an emotion that I can tell.


Hi, they befriend you... But secretly. They care for you...and almost felt bad for you.

Lucifer Out~~❤

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