Come Home

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As (y/n) opened her eyes, her beautiful orbs lands on the soulless ones. Her heart quicken at the sight before her... She was utterly speechless and afraid.

He looked into her eyes that pour out every emotions at once and she can feel it. (y/n) didn't know what was actually happening when she suddenly remembered about the black car that was speeding towards her and her friend.

Why did he saved her? Or was she dreaming about this all along?

" Come home..." it was short and desperate. It didn't sound like it was demanding but rather pleading. Begging her to come with him.

He wants her home, where she belongs. But (y/n) was smart, not falling for this damn trick because the next thing you know he'll be treating her like shit again.

She pushed herself away from him and scowled.

" No."

Of course he didn't take it lightly but he rather control his emotions for the sake of his own and her. He didn't want to fight, he was rather confused. About his new feelings towards her.

He had been feeling things that he wishes to understand them. This feeling caused by her. She managed to enlight something within him even though she wasn't aware of it.

This feeling, that all humans called; love.

Yes, that emotion, that feeling... The demon couldn't believe he could possess such feelings and what surprises him more, he was craving for more. More love. Or maybe a little lust too.

" Please... Forgive me." he breath out. His eyes searched in hers for forgiveness...anything that could give him a sign that she'll come back to him. Black Hat already knew about the child that was inhabited in her and he regrets his poor action.

(y/n) scoffed and started to laugh like a maniac.

" Do you think I could just forgive you? Just like that? Well newsflash buddy, Fuck you." she sassed. Dana, however was utterly confused on why were you talking to this evil demon that rules this island like a couple. She didn't know what was going on but hell she knew she had to take (y/n) away from that creature.

" I said I was sorry! Why do you always have to be so complicated? I asked you didn't I? You gave me your soul, means you're apart of this organisation. So, stop being brat like you are right now and come home with me." he said with such stern voice in him. He just couldn't tell her about his feelings for her.

Hell, it's been 3 weeks without her screams and pleading for him to stop toying with her. He missed her, he craved for her, he wants her, (if you know this reference.. I love you so much). She was his anyways and no one can change that. He'd made sure of it~

Right now, he just grabbed her by the arm and pulled her against his chest again. His hot breath tickling her and she find it rather hot. ' Wait what? No no no, I'm not into him!' (y/n) mentally screaming inside.

" I'll promise I'll treat you well... And beside~" he turned to face her and she cringed at him.

" You're carrying my child, (y/n)~" his lips were inches away. Gasp could be heard around them. Whispers and shocking faces were everywhere.

(y/n)'s jaw dropped. Unconsciously, her hand meet the surface of her belly under the shirt. How did she not notice this? There was a slight bum in her stomach and she'd been wondering why she was craving so much food since she left the Manor.

She began to tear up and slap him across the face. Hard.

Black Hat managed to catch himself but accepting the blow from her. He'd deserved it anyways. Fixing his coat and gazed her eyes again.

They're filled with anger, hurt and annoyed.

" You monster. Why? Did you do this on purpose? So I can come and live with you?" she spat. The male demon shook his head no... She was taken a back. It was sincere and genuine gesture from him. And it's him we're talking about!

" Please... I'm asking for you to come back home."

*sigh* young love... Err old since I don't know how the fuck old is the male demon.

Lucifer Out~~

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