What it takes to forget

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“Ain'tcha a bit ta young for this stuff, squirt?”

Lazily he removed his eyepatch and exposed his milky eye with the ghostly green remains of an iris in its middle. Two nasty, red scars crossed over it.

He had awoken with the cuts on his face after getting blackout drunk for the first time.

He figured that he did it himself with his own knife while still being on his high.

“Do I look like I give a fuck about my age?”

The man shuddered at the gruesome view and shoved the bottles of alcohol into his hands and received some coins and bills in return.

Both, Izuku Midoriya and his trade partner left the alleyway satisfied.

None of them knew the other's name nor were they going to remember each other's faces.
Everything went this way for them, as usual.

With a sigh on his lips, the boy shuffled into an alleyway nearby to where he had his new “home” next to a big trash container.
Of course, it wasn’t the best place to be but it was way better than the parks where everyone got noticed and chased away.

The whole city was plastered with flyers and posters of him. At first, they would mention him in the news as well, yet nobody spends a second thought on another straying kid on the streets.

With a hat, it was easy to cover his noticeable hair and even if it was summer, a lot of people wore Caps and stuff like that.

Thoughtfully he took one of his notebooks and flitted through the pages as he opened one of the bottles - he didn’t really care about what he was drinking anymore, the only thing that mattered was the percentage.

He had started to sort his information. 
Of course, he knew everything but it couldn't hurt to have some kind of system if he forgot something.

Without hesitation, he took a big swing while he read his collected knowledge.
The alcohol burned his throat but he was way past the point where he needed to gag or cough after drinking and his eyes didn’t tear up by now as well.

Alc was a great thing.
Like an eraser.
Everything one wanted to forget drowns and gets swallowed by euphoria and bravery.

these five bottles were everything he could buy.

Homeless, quirkless and flat broke.

Somehow even someone like him should be able to make money, shouldn’t they?

Again he paged through the notebook.

Each of these quirks was something he would die for.
Even the most useless and dumb one would be his way into society.

Who was he kidding?
His way into society was a burned bridge!

He swallowed his next mouth full in a haste and this time his throat burned.
At least his thoughts were numbed.

Maybe he could work as a prostitute?
He was sure he could steal some of the not-existing clothes or maybe even borrow them?
If he managed that, he just needed some customers and he’d have money.

Skeptically he looked over his arm, touched his face and raised his hoodie to inspect his scarred right-body-half.

There won’t be many men who would be turned on by such a gruesome and pathetic sight, so selling his body was out of option.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! We’re happy to…!”

Surprised he looked up. What’s with this noise?

Beautifully Broken - Open End (English) [Villain!Deku]Where stories live. Discover now