Finish Line

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He did not know what woke him up. But Izuku didn’t rise from his light sobering slumber all by himself.

The reason were the steps of a nurse who couldn’t even consider what her visit to the coffee-machine at the end of the floor would start.

The dead, green eye just needed to be opened so that the teenager knew where he was.

A hospital.

Swearing under his breath he sat up and carded a hand through his hair in a stressed out motion. Ignoring the vertigo taking over his head with the experience of a pro.

Firstly he took in his own state and was lucky to tell that there were no new scars. 
It was better this way - he had more than enough.

He didn’t wear handcuffs and wasn’t tied to his bed.

Did the staff know who he was? Was the police waiting in front of this door? Did his mother know? The youth welfare office? Kacchan?! Did they bring his personal devil back to him to drag him back to hell again?!

The heart monitor started beeping loudly as his hearts speed picked up and he tried to calm down.

His fear was unreasoned.

There was no way that his past classmates or neighbours would ever be told that he was still alive and kicking.

His eyes wandered to his left arm. There was the typical needle in the back of his hand and another one in crook of his arm, tying him to an IV-drip.

With practiced movements he removed the needles and pressed the sheets at the indents in his skin until they stopped bleeding.

After that he palmed over his face to find the usual oxygen tubes.

With a sigh he shook his head and removed them as well. Shuddering at the well known gross sentient.

One problem less.

He took in the room.

There weren't any cameras so in that way he was safe.

His eyes stopped searching when they found the chair on the opposite side of the room.

The seat was adorned by his clothes which seemed to be washed, ironed and piled thoughtfully.
A service every hospital had.

Maybe he should show up more often?
NOPE! Bad idea! Stay under the radar and don’t take the risk of human interaction!

Beneath the chair was his backpack, leaned against a wall.

Hasty Midoriya ripped off the remaining cables on his body and rushed over to the chair to dress himself.

The boy stopped for a short second and let the feeling of his freshly washed hoodie linger on his skin but then he threw on his hood and pulled it deep into his face while grabbing his backpack as a sign to begin his journey again.

At first he examined the window but to his disappointment he was only in the fifth or sixth floor and there was a lock at the outside of the frame. 

He tried to move the handle anyway but - just as he suspected -it didn’t bulge a bit.

He threw a look at the ground and compared the distance with the one of his first jump.

It was nearer.

His last jump had been from a roof, theoretically it would have been the seventh floor.

He could try it again…

But with his luck it wouldn’t end well, again.

May it be his attempt to throw himself in front of a car, (it ended up being a mass collision with four deaths.)
his excessive drinking, (he stopped counting how often he woke up in some hospital.)
or his one try to swallow an overdose of medications. (It never worked out in first place because some damn hero had seen him and made him throw them up before holding a lecture [of course in front of the press] why life was worth living. [He would have gladly started a second attempt after that, right in front of them. But he didn’t have the money to buy more pills.])

Beautifully Broken - Open End (English) [Villain!Deku]Where stories live. Discover now