That's the Plan

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Izuku worked through everything he could get his hands on.

Read every thriller about the topic, watched every episode of every crime series that could give him a hint, movies, police notes he got from a hacked server.

He had everything double and triple-checked and analysed.

Everywhere was a mistake.

That was the point.

He had to do it flawless. It had to be perfect.

But that seemed simply impossible!

Groaning he buried his head in the mountain of paper stacks on his desk that was surrounded by three computers and two laptops.

He was driven to despair.

He had tried to find a method on how to let a person vanish from the face of earth and even found a book with the title: 'How to get away with murder - simply: How to let someone disappear forever'.

But as good as the methods and hints in the book were, he couldn't stirrup this wasp nest that way or he would get stung very badly.

Wasp nest? Damn shit, this publishing house was a fucking hornet nest holding some especially aggressive specimens!

If only one hair was to be placed in the wrong way and lying in the wrong place these maniacs would notice it and would be starting an inquisition that could end with his capture. And he couldn't allow himself to be captured now.

So it had to be either an open kill, or a suicide.

But if he killed them on the open street, he wouldn't gain anything, because he'd contradict his own ideals and move more into the public eye than he wanted to.

He could force others to commit the murder - with his knowledge and contacts it would be a trifle - but it seemed wrong to him. It was his problem, not that of others. 

That's why he also told Akaguro just the large scope of the situation and told his teacher he wanted to clean up the situation himself.

Stain had been impressed. 

If his father had seen him now he definitely wouldn't be anymore.

So it had to be a suicide - but to force somebody into committing suicide was extremely complicated.

The person had to be vulnerable to blackmail.
Had to have a family, that they loved more than anything else, or something more valuable than their own life.

Therefor the person had to be already confronted with the manner of death, so he could acclimate with the thought fast. 
It gives one the possibility, to decide for oneself when to end it and how and the majority of the society nevertheless likes to end its life rather self-determined, instead of getting forced into it.

But only few people hate their life enough to throw it away voluntarily. 

And as far as he knew, this women didn't have anything that was more valuable to her than her life.


Hectically he digged threw his notes until he found the notes he made on 'Sherlock'. 
The first episode. The one with the cab driver.

Maybe he could do something like that.

This way he could eliminate the whole publishing house. A mass suicide of conspiracy theorists wasn't anything new or surprising. 

He only had to prepare everything for saturday.


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