Getting Along

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"HOLY SHIT!" Marco's and Paul's voices rang out in unison.

David and Dwayne were thinking the exact same thing, and October to a lesser extent.

Her familiar had not re-appeared as she prepared the spell. That was the first time she ever performed magic without the cat's guidance. And yet, she still managed just fine. Better, actually, than she thought she would.

In what she could only assume was once the lobby of the old hotel, but was now the main chamber of the Lost Boys cave, she cast her spell. The motions of the magic came to her as though it were muscle memory. She opened her arms like she was going in for the world's most generous bear hug... and then slapped her hands together in a clap! Cave walls shuddered and candles flickered wildly. Delicately, she interlocked her fingers. All the lights were snuffed out in gust of wind leaving the group in darkness so absolute, even David with his vampiric sight was rendered momentarily blind.

Paul cursed.

And then, suddenly, the chamber burst with light greater before. They shielded their eyes, cringing at the onslaught. When their eyes adjusted, they couldn't believe the sight before them.

They stood in the spotless lobby of a hotel that never met the ill fate of an earthquake, complete with electric lights and an intact fountain. Behind the front desk, the giant poster of Jim Morrison stood out like an eyesore against the vintage furnishings. Where there had once been jagged corridors dug into the cave walls, there now was long corridors leading into the rest of the hotel.

"Not bad," David concurs.

October smiled smugly at the vampire who was clearly fighting to conceal his amazement. The rest of the Lost Boys didn't even attempt to hide their delight. Paul and Marco excitedly made their way to the front desk where a row of keys were set out as if by, well, magic.

Dwayne peered skeptically up at the grand chandelier hanging from the flat ceiling. "Where is the electricity coming from?" he wondered aloud.

October hummed thoughtfully. "I've got a feeling you guys are all going to be asking me very logical questions about all the impossible things I can make happen. So, as a blanket answer I'm just going to state right here and now, it's magic. So yeah."

Dwayne smirked at her reply, accepting her blanket answer without argue. Instead, he made his way to his brothers to collect his room key.

"There's proper plumbing too. At least, I hope there is," she muttered.

"What about all our stuff?" David asked her.

October shrugged. "It should appear in the rooms you guys choose."

Right. They would not be bunking together any time soon. Or hanging from exposed pipes together. Because his brothers were human now and they would need their own space until they turned. He scowled.

Paul and Marco were already tearing down the hallway, seeking their room numbers assigned by their chosen key. Dwayne followed at a more sedate pace.

As she went to grab one of the last two keys, October was hit with a nauseating lightheadedness. David watched the witch nearly miss a step mutely. She picked a key at random and slowly followed along the wall down the hallway. David snatched the last key and trailed behind the witch with silent steps.

He leaned against the bit of wall beside her room's door, merely watching as she fumbled with the key. Her trembling hand couldn't seem to fit into key securely into the keyhole. The sight would be hilarious if it weren't so ridiculous. Unable to continue watching her struggled, David snagged the key from her much to her annoyance, and opened the door for her. She spared him a sour look before storming past him. He sauntered in after her.

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