The Last Sunny Day

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October tossed and turned in her sleep. Nestled in a grand four poster bed, she dreamt fitfully. At least, she thought she was dreaming. She dreamt she shrouded in a darkness so absolute she thought she had been struck blind. Her other senses, however, were not as blinded and painted a shadow of picture.

Could a person have an out of body experience in a dream? Because strangely enough, that's exactly what this dream felt like to her. Somehow, she was simultaneously experiencing the dream and easing dropping from around the corner all at once.

The air was cold just as it was every night after the sun went down. She knew she was by the ocean from the stench of salt water and fish. She thought she was alone until he started to speak.

"Do you love them? Truly love them?"

The question was posed with the underlying severity of life and death. Meaning the answer she gave would decide if she lived... or died. Then again, if she was really being honest, she was dead the minute the man had her in his sights. It didn't matter what she said. Nothing could save her now. Exactly how her dream-self knew this to be true, she wasn't certain.

She surprised herself when her dream-self answered the question. "If I lie and say no, will you let me go?"

The man ignored her dream-self.

"In your eyes they can do no wrong." Her dream-self knew "they" were the Lost Boys which meant so did October with a creeping sense deja vu. "So, you won't mind if they just kill you now."

A jolt of terror shot down her spine. Whatever this was, she didn't like it. She made to run for it, fight back, anything to gain a little control of the dream. There was no way for her to know if she could move at all. Her body was completely paralyzed as though she were trapped within herself as the dream played out, whether she wanted it to or not.

"Please don't do this. Please don't make them do this. Not just for their sake. For yours too. They will never forgive you if you do this to them. If you're going to kill me, do it yourself asshole." Again, the words came unbidden from her dream-self. October really wished that dumb witch would shut up before she got both of them killed.

"But then, they will never learn. This way they won't make the same mistake twice."

October may not have known as much as her dream-self, but she thought that they could both agree on how much they hated this guy.

"What exactly was their mistake?" Her dream-self spat venomously.

"Loving you."

At this point October decided to stop trying to make sense of her dream. The Lost Boys in love with her? All four of them? At the same time? She called bullshit on that. Not even in her dreams was that possible.


October became aware of four other presences. Her dream-self knew they were the Lost Boys. Paul to her left. Marco to her right. David and Dwayne behind her.

"Drain her dry, but make it slow. I don't want a single drop wasted."

Between one heartbeat and the next, October felt four pairs of fangs sink into her flash and she wept and she wailed.

It's okay...

It's okay...

It's not your fault...

This isn't any of your faults...

She blinked blearily in the dull light of her room and realized she was awake. Slowly, she sat up in her bed leaning heavily against the headboard as she wiped away the stray tears fallen from her eyes. She hadn't realized she had been crying in her sleep. She didn't think that was even possible. Her dream self had been crying, though. October had felt the tears stream down her face.

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