A Crossroad (Or A Railroad Bridge)

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October sat up with a sharp gasp, eyes wide, and heart pounding.

She looked around frantically, trying to place the dark room.

Sheets rustled next to her.

"October? Are you okay?" a diminutive voice whispered in the darkness, but she knew it was Marco who asked. He was the lightest sleeper out of all his brothers.

The remnants of her dream were already fading and she suddenly forgot what had jolted her awake.

She leaned back against the bed's headboard and breathed a sigh of relief as she placed her surroundings. They were in one of the boy's rooms in the hotel. A safe place. Home.

"I'm okay. Just a bad dream I think."

Marco yawned loudly and shuffled around until he sat beside her, his head resting on her shoulder. She felt a little bad for waking him up. He probably wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now.

An unexpected thought occurred to her. "Hey Marko, how did we get back to the hotel? What happened at my sister's?"

He yawned again, his breath warm against her neck. "You don't have to worry about that anymore," he told her dismissively before he brushed a kiss against her jaw.

October immediately wanted to press him for more answers, a sudden sense of urgency filling her with anxiety but the feeling left her just as suddenly when Marco dragged his lips over the shell of her ear.

"Let's get out of here. The others can meet up with us later," he whispered into her ear, voice full of mischief.

October licked her lips, her thoughts scattering. "Okay."

With complete disregard for the other slumbering members of their tribe, Marco and October crawled over their unconscious forms with barely stifled laughter. The next thing October knew, the two of them were speeding along empty roads towards a closed boardwalk.

She had no idea what time it was. It had to have been late because the sky was still a dark indigo so she wasn't worried for her vampire companion. Plus, it felt good to not worry about how much time there was until daylight spoiled their fun. For a moment she could pretend they had all the time in the world. Which, technically she supposed they did.

When they arrived at the empty boardwalk, Marco took her hand and led her down to the beach where they laid down in the sand, their fingers still intertwined.

This was nice. Between Marco laying beside her and the sound of waves crashing in the distance, October was content.

"I could get used to this," she remarked absently, curling into Marco's side, her head resting on his chest.

Marco chuckled and pulled her closer to him. "It doesn't have to end you know. Living with us? We could be together forever."

Her face scrunched up. "Witches don't live forever, Marco. At least, not in the same way you do."

He became silent.

She didn't like it, so she swung her leg over his waist and straddled him. He was forced to look up at her. His hands came to rest on her hips.

She started to lean down towards him and her eyes fluttered closed.

"You could live forever the same way we do," he told her when there was just a hair's breadth left between their mouths, causing her to stop short.

Her eyes cracked open and she looked down into his, searching.

She didn't know what to say. Was he suggesting... she turn?

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