Bye-Bye Darling

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Sam parked the car farther away than he felt comfortable with. If they ran into trouble, which seemed a given at this point, there was no way they'd be able to make it the car for a quick getaway when they inevitably pissed off a hungry vampire. But at the same time, he knew their one advantage was the element of surprise. Hard to have the element of surprise if they parked in the Widow Johnson's front lawn.

Edgar and Alan made were adamant about going through the back of the house so they circled around the large property until they reached the backyard. The voices they heard made them freeze, fearing they had been caught already. It was Sam who urged them all into the back of a boat house on the far edge of the yard. They appeared to not have been noticed and for a blessed moment they were safe.

"Oh shit!" Alan exclaimed before his brother was clamping a hand over his mouth to stifle him.

Sam quickly followed his startled eyeline, reflexively raising his holy water filled gun in the same direction. He just barely managed to keep himself from screaming in terror at the grisly sight of Star's dead body. The bile rising in his throat helped distract him from making any noise. His eyes watered with the effort of holding back both.

Holy shit! He had never seen a dead body that didn't belong to an already undead vampire. And he had certainly never seen the dead body of someone he knew. He hadn't expected the smell to be so putrid up close...

He tore his eyes away from her cloudy, very dead eyes that were fixed in his direction.

God, who was going to tell Laddie?

"Sam!" Edgar hissed from the other side of the boathouse. "Over here!"

Sam tentatively edged around Star's body over to the Frog brothers. The door was just cracked open enough for them to hear the voices from outside.

What they heard next was shocking.

Mike was possessed! By their mom's vampire ex who had somehow survived That Night!

Jesus, it was like a punch in the gut finding out virtually all of their efforts That Night had been for nothing.

Sam was vaguely listening to the rest of whatever they were talking about so he wasn't entirely how or why the three vampires closest to the boathouse suddenly attacked each other.

Their brawl was savage, reminding Sam much of That Night when his brother faced off with these same vampires.

Edgar declared, "I say we let them duke it out then we take on whoever's left standing."

"I'm going after Mike," was all the warning Sam gave them before he was busting out of the safety of the boathouse towards his brother.


"....Kill each other."

The words were forcibly extracted from David's lungs as though Max had reached down into him and pulled them out with his claws.

He tried to fight the words back down, bar them from leaving his lips, but it was useless.

The memory of Rose's execution was still fresh in his mind and the heartbreaking sight before him was like history repeating itself while he stood by helplessly. He was desperate to tell them to stop, but Max had already given him the order to do no such thing. David was trapped in his own body, unable to do anything but watch as his loved ones hurt each other just as Max wanted.

As equally as he wanted to put a stop to the violence, he also wanted to put a violent end to Max.

"My mistake was keeping you at such a distance. I should have kept my children close. Where I could keep an eye on them," Max told him with Michael's stolen voice.

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