Haunting On Hudson's Bluff

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October watched Marco drift off, unable to sleep herself.

The room was deadly silent save for the sound of her own gentle breaths and the occasional rustle of fabric as she shifted around. The Lost Boys were entirely still in their death like slumber.

She was beginning to understand just how vulnerable these apex predators were during the daylight hours if even her restless turning couldn't wake them.

Her heavy eyelids urged her to just give in to sleep, and yet every time she closed her eyes she could have sworn she heard a brittle wheezing coming in the hallway, like someone's last shuddering breath set to repeat.

Instead, she preoccupied herself with Marco's story. It only bothered her a little bit about how vague he had been. He hadn't mentioned any names. Not even the name of their murderer. She understood that whoever it was they were special to the Lost Boys. But at the same time, she felt like maybe they were protecting him even if they didn't realize it. And then there was the fact that their killer was out there somewhere, alive and well and probably unaware that the Lost Boys were too.

Eventually, there was going to be a confrontation. There had to be. And when it did, October knew exactly who she was siding with.

Something else was bothering her, though. Marco hadn't outright lied to her, but he was definitely keeping something out of his story. She just didn't know what.

In time, she fell asleep pondering whatever secret it was that the Lost Boys were hiding.

She awoke when someone flicked on a lamp and flooded the room with light. Groaning, she threw an arm over her eyes and rolled away from the offensive light.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" someone crooned annoyingly in her ear.

October shoved the person away and reluctantly pulled herself into an upright position. Paul beamed at her from where he perched on the other side of the bed. She offered him nothing beyond a deadpan expression before taking in the rest of the room.

Marco was seated by the side table, lacing up his boots and Dwayne was perched on a loveseat with his nose in a book.


Her gaze instantly darted to a small black blur as it leapt onto the bed.

"Your familiar has been scratching at the door since dusk," David informed her testily from the open doorway.

Are you alright? the cat whispered into her mind, its big green eyes staring at her with concern.

October had to resist the urge to just reach out and strangle the poor creature.

She curled her lip. "Seriously? You're asking me that now? Where have you been!"

The black cat sniffed petulantly. I did not wish to witness you making a fool of yourself while intoxicated around these delinquents.

Marco perked up, regarding their seemingly one sided conversation with curiosity. "What's it saying?"

Without taking her slitted eyes off the cat, she told him, "It called you a delinquent."

Marco snorted at that.

October refocused on her familiar. "So your excuse is that you couldn't stand the sight of me blowing off a little steam that you had to disappear for several nights. Including last night when I actually needed your help."

The black cat's tail flicked in mild irritation. I'm here now, aren't I?

October's temper flared. "Is there a familiar pet store I can return you to? I think I want a new one. A less judgy one who's actually helpful to me."

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