Text Messages From The Edge

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Luke hardly enjoyed insomnia. He knew a few writers and directors who enjoyed it and who often used cocaine to extend the pleasure of their fever madness but though he could be described as playful by some on set- Luke didn't like being over the edge. He didn't like lacking control or knowledge of a situation. And sleep was one of the few pleasures that were still a leftover from his mortal days.

Though Derek had been good and helpful company, his words had irked Luke. Gnawed at the edge of his mind until he'd thought about it enough for these ruby earrings to grow into something of a problem. But what kind of problem?

It was nothing new, of course, for a coven to have problems. Usually fame swept away a dearth of issues. It opened wonderful doors. But like any world beneath the ones the mortals knew- there could be complications to living a happy and full life.

Not just the evangelists that turned everything into some sort of spiritual field (they were a problem, or at least an aggravation) but there were also a group of Hollywood Hunters you didn't want to get on the wrong side of. They were also not the type to understand the nuance of things. For being semi-immortal beings like the Literiats in the Catacombs- the Hunters had a much smaller view of the world. More persistently "moral".

No, the issue bugged him. David not knowing what the symbols meant at all was especially troubling. Or not wanting to tell him- which was potentially worse. Knowing that the Weres had gotten the same engraving in a different form. An ankle bracelet. It seemed innocuous at least. They didn't poison or hypnotize. There didn't seem to be any sort of Shakespearean foul play. And yet-


Derek: Hey Blood Bro, you up?

Luke: Awake. I enjoyed seeing you again.

Derek: Shucks. I'm blushing, though you can't see it. So uhhh whatcha doing right now?

Luke: If you're asking for a repeat performance, I have some things weighing on me.

Derek: Yeah, I kinda got that. And also not no but like not yes.

Derek: *link*

Derek: You'll want to see this. 

Luke clicked on the link. He was sure Derek wouldn't send him a virus. Even an enthusiastic wolf like Derek knew better than that. The link went to that man who did that magic show on Netflix. What was his name? He was quite funny. And adorable. Yummy even- for being so short.

Derek: Did you see it yet?

Luke: What am I looking for?

Derek: Okay, when he does the hug/anal trick keep a look out right on his ear. 

Luke rewound the clip and watched closer.

Luke: This is troubling.

Derek: Yep. So- what are we going to do about it?

Luke: What do you mean we? Is the bracelet giving you issues?

Derek: Well no and like nobody from my neck of the woods thinks its a big deal. But like I'm not so sure.

Luke: Why are you unsure?

Derek: Look, you know how I played Thor? Well, I read through Gaiman's Norse book as part of my research and there's a lot there. I'm- I'm nervous. I mean- symbols have power right?

Luke: Do you want to go and visit this magician then? 

Derek: It's not that easy. 

Luke: Why? Are you on the wrong side of the Hunters?

Derek: Not currently and like JR owes me a favor so I'm not worried about them. I'm more worried about Justin. He's part of the Vegas scene. 

Luke: Ah. That does present a problem.

Derek: Yeah. So let's go together.

Luke: Derek-

Derek: I'm already out front. I rented a convertible. Pack a bag. And don't forget your ruby earrings.

---- Congrats on reaching the end of the five part intro into the Homoween series. As the road trip to Vegas begins, remember that werewolves are omnivores not vegetarians and that not all vampires have a wonderful sense of humor. Oh yes, and enjoy this upcoming 31 day part vignette. Love, the author ---------

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