Day 19: In The Flesh

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"No! No! No! I can't have this in here!"

Just like Hermione's lack of respect for Trelawney's teaching methods- even Hunter Moon had a line. And his line was vampire and werewolf sex on the couch in his office. Of course, Hunter Moon couldn't vocalize that now. His head had been slammed down onto a sharp edge of his desk the moment after he'd made that exclamation. 

But if he'd stuck around, he would've been in for a treat. Perhaps his spirit will haunt the walls of his little Vegas church forever. It's hard to say. There's a good likelihood that wouldn't be enough to stick around as a ghost with unfinished business.

Though Derek was tall, he sat in Luke's lap all curled up while Luke's legs stretched out the length of the slightly uncomfortable leather couch. They were naked, skin to skin, and neither noticed the pool of Hunter's blood on the floor- too content to give and receive little head skritches.

"I do hate it when we fight, wolf love."

"Mmm- I wanted to tell you everything but I thought you'd be ashamed of me for being so needy."

"What? No. There's no crime for wanting to be happy. I daresay that's why most of us transition into less than mortal lives. I wish I'd known you were so unhappy to begin with though."

"It's not that I was *so* unhappy. But they were so happy. And we got to swing on ropes with swords! I loved that!"

"I know. I could see."

"What do you mean? Did you come to one of my shows?!"

Luke gave Derek a patented vampiric toothy grin. Derek smacked at his chest playfully, a dull thwick sound emanating from the hit.

"Blood Brother!"

"Well, what do we do hmm? I've essentially been given an ultimatum by Channing and really, close to answers or not, I can't say that I blame him. And realistically there's not much we can do against hypnosis and siren charms, Derek. You could stay if I go. Become this Derek Heelie character and just live here."

"You'd miss me, though."

"Yes. But it's not far. If you don't stop for breaks every two hours."

Derek let out a breath through his nose. "I don't know. I don't know what to do and this guy wasn't any help." Derek motioned to Hunter's dead body comatose on the floor.

"Well, there was no use for all the shouting. This is a sanctuary house after all. One must respect decorum."

"I think Ian and JR were here last week. I can kind of still smell them, but it's faint."

"Fascinating. I'd assumed they'd grown tired of tailing us. They didn't follow me into the pawn shop so I thought they must've headed home." Home, Luke thought. It was a queer word. And even for all his travels and intrigues- was LA home? Or was it Vegas? Was it him with Nick or with Derek or with one of his vampire brothers? Hard to say. He tried not to dwell on such things. They seemed more - mortal- than he was really. He supposed too he should've been mad at the porn star who drugged him, but Derek was talking to him again and snuggling into his body so maybe it was alright in the end.

"I did find a way into the MGM- the abandoned part."

"Really? That's nice to know."

Luke patted his shoulder as Derek blushed a little. "I had to join the pack to get it."

"Poor wolf! Well, I love you even if they won't afterwards, hmm?"

"Shucks Vampy. You always know just how to pat me."

"That's because when I give you tummy rubs, you kick. And I don't like being kicked."

"I know. Hazard of the trade though."

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