Fight In the hall

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Deathbringer's pov;

"I can't believe she's gone..." I heard Fatespeaker whisper.

It was a early Monday morning and we were sitting on the couch watching some weird show while Fate was texting her friends.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing..." she lied.

I knew she was lying, I always knew when something was wrong. She knew that but still tried to hide it.

"Fatespeaker, if something is wrong you can always tell me or mum..." I said softly.

Tears started to roll down her eyes. My eyes widened as I saw the tear fall off her cheek. She never cry's...

"OK now something is really wrong, what is it!?" I asked more firmly.

"Well... d-does Darkstalker make you f-feel weird?" she asked me.

I couldn't even explain how that annoying, already popular, posh kid makes me feel.

"Yeah, definitely, he ticks me off!" I almost shouted.

"Well, me, Sunny, Star, Moon...and others, we kind of started a little spy mission sort of thing to prove his was evil and.... Moon, Winter and Kinkajou broke into Night'n'Ice labs past night and they kind of got caught...then Moon saved the others but she didn't make it out of the labs... I hope she's ok" Fatespeaker finished.

"Say wwhhhaaa!? You've been doing secret spy stuff with out me knowing!? And you've been doing it... without me!?" I almost shouted.

"I thought of I didn't tell you, you wouldn't try to help and possibly get hurt..." she sighed.

I barked out laughter at that sentence.

"Me!? Getting hurt? Fate, look at who your talking too! I'm so skilled no one will even try to hurt me!" I laughed.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Look, I'm just saying, you should have told me....we have to go now anyway" I said and stood up to grab my bag as Fatespeaker did the same thing.

The sky was dark and cloudy, threatening to rain. As I entered the school I saw one of my teacher's sitting at a table writing on some paper.

As always, this teacher, Mr. Mangrove, was depressed. He looked tired with bags under his eyes and almost falling asleep a couple of times.

"You OK Mangrove?" I asked as I approached him, after all, Glory still wasn't here and there was nothing else to do.

"Oh, yeah, I guess..."he mumbled, not looking up from the paper.

I scanned the table and I saw a file. It had a picture of a woman on it with blonde hair, blue eyes and she had a big smile on her face.

I went to pick it up but Mangrove snatched it from my grasp.

"What is that?" I asked as he carefully put the file back.

"Nothing... just a picture of my wife and a couple of other things...." he said quietly.

It really seemed like this man doesn't even know what raising his voice means.

I almost got knocked over as Kinkajou came rushing to Mangrove.

Then I remembered the break in last night Fate had told me about.

"MR. MANGROVE, FOLLOW ME RIGHT NOW!!!" Kinkajou ordered.

It seemed she had forgotten what happened to Moon.

She grabbed the mans arm and pulled him out of his seat.

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