His House

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*sal and Travis walk down the road familiar to Travis but not to sal*

          Travis: my house is right down the corner.

          Sal: ok let's go and get this done with

*Sal and Travis walk up to the door of his house. Travis pulls a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door. walking in he looks around and signals Sal to go upstares. Sal moves up to the stares Travis following. Travis opens his door letting Sal in and shutting it behind them slowly locking it behind him. Sal pins Travis to the door kissing him*

          ???: Travis? is that you sweetheart?

*Sal and Travis stop looking at each other. Sal backs up letting Travis open the door*

         Travis: yeah im going to head out in a bit to go play at the park

         Travis's mom: ok stay safe. be back by 6 your dad will be home

*Travis sighs shutting the door and walking to his closet. he grabs a duffel bag putting clothes and a few things already in a bag. Travis runs his hand down his back pocket feeling than turning to grab a lighter off his nightstand. he places his hand back in his pocket replacing the cross with the lighter and throughs the cross on the floor*

         Travis: ok let's go

*Sal nods, slow;y walking out of Travis's room. Travis shuts the door behind him walking down the stares*

        Travis's mom: hey sweetheart?

*Travis signals Sal to head outside*

        Travis: yeah?

        Travis's mom: please be back before your dad gets home 

       Travis: I will

*Travis leaves the house running from the house  with Sal's hand in his*

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