The First Time

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* Sal pulls back, Travis looking at him in shock. he looks into Sal's blue eyes. he smiles rubbing the back of his neck*

         Sal: I... I um... I love you Travis

        Travis: I love you too

* they exchange smiles to each other. Travis gets up off the couch walking towards the door*

        Sal: were are you going:

       Travis: back to my place. I'm going to grab some of my stuff

       Sal: let me help

      Travis: fine I don't know if my dad is home right now so ill have to sneak you in

      Sal: ok let's go

* Sal smiles opening the door. Travis smiles back walking out the door Sal locks and shuts the door too they're an apartment. heading down the elevator they stand in silence. Floor 1. the digital screen said. they walk out to the lobby. Travis caches a glims of larry from the corner of his eye. he stops Sal asking why Travis was there. Travis keeps his head down and walks outside. a few minutes later Sal walks outside*

       Sal: sorry about that.

      Travis: no it's fine. did you tell him why I'm here?

      Sal: no I just told him that ill talk to him later about it.

     Travis: ok let's go we dont have much time...

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