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*Travis shuts the door sitting outside on the steps. lighting the cigarette he sighs taking in a big hit. shortly after larry joins Travis outside. larry takes the pack of cigarettes out of Travis's pocket. larry takes the lighter, lighting the cigarette taking a long hit letting out with a sigh*

         larry: I'm sorry...

        Travis: it's fine really... I said it was fine

*larry rubs his neck before taking another hit letting out a sigh. sal walks out seeing larry and Travis sitting outside*

         Sal: todd and ash left if you guys want to come back in once you guys are done.

*Travis nods looking back at sal. sal mouths 'are you ok?' he nods reassuring sal but not himself. sal nod shutting the door heading back inside*

         Larry: Travis... are you ok? I know you were lying to sal when you said you were fine...

        Travis: no I'm not ok... 

        Larry: talk to me

       Travis: being fully real I'm scared... scared of messing up what I have with sal right now... I'm just lucky enough that he doesn't hate me for what I was doing to him for the longest time...

       Larry: I can tell you this... he loves you and he's not going to leave you cuz trust me even before you stoped fucking with him he liked you... so I can tell you this, he's not going to leave just keep him close and don't let him think that you don't love him...

* larry stops to take another hit. the silence is softly broken by the sound of sal singing and playing his gatear inside. Travis leans against the cold stone wall listening to the music*

        Larry: this song is actually a song he wrote about you

        Travis: ... it's beautiful...

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