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-mikes pov-
(Lucas): "well done asshole you scared her off!" He looked a Dustin because he asked her
(Dustin): "how is this my faul!" He yelled back both me and will looked at Dustin as he just got more annoyed we all grabbed our bikes an went home because it was getting late
-your pov-
As I got home my mom yelled from the other room to see who it was
(Mom): "Y/N IS THAT YOU?" She shouted but when she saw me her face turned to worried tears in her eyes
(Mom): "y/n what happened who did this" she looked at the big cut in my leg with dried blood around it
(You): "I crashed into some boys when I was turning a corner they said sorry and offered to help but I didn't want help"I said with no emotion in my voice.
-2hours later-
I had been here for only a day and I already love it no one here knows me so I have a fresh start and I already made some friends I guess the boys seemed nice and I know there names but one stud out to me the most will, I had seen him before but I can't remember where so I just forgot about it and began to unpack all my belongings and clothes into my dresser and around my room I didn't have many belongings because when my dad died we had to sell some items to pay the rent until my mom could find a new job luckily she got a job at a research lad in Hawkins I'm not allowed to ask her about it but I try to ask sometimes. My favourite item I have is a teddy bear my dad bought me for my 4th birthday I loved it the memories of my dad come rushing back when I see this bear...(the bear up top)
Before I was consumed by the memories my mother shouted for me
(Mom): "Y/N the neighbours are here" her voice going softer I ran down only to see one of the boys I met earlier his name was mike when he saw me he looked shocked yet confused
(Mom): "y/n why don't you introduce your self" she said with her soft sweet voice so I did
(You): "hi I'm y/n" I looked over to mike with a smile "hey mike" I said with a smile
(Karen): "you two have already met?" She asked mikes mom looked nice and friendly 
(You): "yes we met earlier when we crashed into each other" I laughed only slightly mike looked at me with a sorry look
(Mike): "we are all really sorry about earlier just so u know it was all dustins fault" he said with his cheeks going a rosy red colour I forgave him and after that we said good bye and that was the end of my day the beat day I've had in a long time I met some cool guys mike,will,Lucas and Dustin hopefully I'll see them again soon.
516 Words damn less than last time but I have some ideas for some of the chapters ❤️ anyways bye for now 😘😂❤️

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