Update and stuffs

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Hey guys so as you all know right now the Carona virus is going around and causing mass panic which is affecting may things including school and how children won't be able to go for a while which could be weeks or months which is worrying as then kids won't get proper education. As I am also in school it's affecting me and my education as I will not be aloud back but that means I still have to do work at home so that sucks but it's good because after a while people will start to get bored as you won't have anything to do.
Due to the mess the worlds in right now the book(s) will also be a mess as I will have more time to write it's just I will also be trying to not lose work and all that because I'm technically now in my last year of my school days so now I need to focus on school and all that I am sorry to have to postpone the book but hopefully it won't take too long. Anyways I love all of you and hope you and your family's a healthy and happy day stay positive throughout all this love you all bye ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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