Young Love

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 Note: I've decided to name every chapter after song titles that describe the situations best/ what the reader is intending write for her own career as a musician

"....and the Grammy for Best Rock album goes to 'Purple Thunder'!" you couldn't believe it as Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins from the 'Foo Fighters' called out your bands name. It was the 62nd annual Grammys, the 26th January 2020 to be exact and they were held in London. Next to you, your boyfriend Josh pulled you into a big hug, gave you a quick kiss before tears were streaming down your face. Never for once in your life did you dare to think, to accomplish such a great thing. It's been a huge dream of yours, though it always seemed too far away. After hugging and thanking Dave and Taylor you and your band prepared a little acceptance speech. Everything was so overwhelming, you only managed to get one thing out: 'Thank you to all of our fans, without you we would be nowhere. And I would like to personally thank Queen, who are in the house tonight because of their 50th band anniversary. Wow! You have not only influenced our musical style, but I always looked up to you. You truly are living legends, thank you, have a good night, we love you guys, especially you up there Freddie!' you pointed up to the sky walked off stage.

The rest of the night went by so quickly, too quickly for your liking. Your band was scheduled to take some pictures for the press with your new 'baby', a freaking Grammy. "Babe, there you are, I'm so, so, so proud of you, I love you so much!", your boyfriend Josh hugged you very tightly. Yeah he was Josh, Josh Kiszka. You weren't actually the girl, to have a boyfriend, even had quite the reputation as the press seemed to tear you apart for every little thing you did wrong. Everything you did in general to be exact.

'Another night filled with Sex, Cocaine and pretty, pretty boys for (Y/N)?', is what the headlines of the newspapers would say after a crazy night, attached would be pictures that portrayed you partying, snuggled up to a handsome guy or a beautiful girl. It didn't really bother you. You were young, on the rise of being the next big rock star and a little fun never hurt nobody, right?

That was until you met Josh. You met him about a year ago at the Bunbury Festival, since both of your bands were performing and you have been inseparable ever since. The press even described him as your 'last resort' for your crazy escapades, which only made you laugh your ass off. Fuck the press. Fuck them.

Even though your lives as 'rockstars' have been stressful with constant touring and management putting pressure on you to release new music every few months, he was the sweetest boyfriend. Certainly, too good for you, at least that's what you always thought. Especually, when he surprised you with a bubble bath, or a three course meal after a long day at the studio.

After a few kisses were exchanged he asked you: "you ready to go to the afterparty? Or do I get to you enjoy you all by myself at home?", he winked as you playfully hit him: "We'll see about that, let's hit the afterparty. At least just to say that we've been there" you smile as he took your hand and guided you into the location. The bass was pumping rather loudly, but you were glad to find a more quiet lounge in the back. If you weren't with right now, you'd be on the dancefloor and shitfaced by now, he definitely changed you for the better.

As you two plunged yourselves down on the red, cushioned bench. With a drink in your hand you started to dive into a conversation about touring and what the next few months would be like, because Josh was about to go back on tour in a week. You felt a sadness rush through your body and Josh seemed to notice, he was quick to comfort you by rubbing your back and you leaned into him.

Suddenly you heard two very familiar voices on the table right next to yours. "No Brian, I'll tell you, it's going to flop... ...we don't have it in us anymore"

"Would you stop, Rog? Tomorrow's a new day, you're all worked up!

Swiping away a few tears you decided to look up and indeed. 'Fucking hell', you thought to yourself. THE Brian May and fucking Roger Taylor. Even though you wanted to run up to them so badly, you decided not to, because you would probably just fangirl way too much and creep them out. Just when you tried to order another drink a voice stopped you.

"Hey!! you're (Y/N)!!", you looked to the table on your right and it was indeed Brian May. And he knew your name. Your mood lightened up and you began to smile like a fool. You stood up and walked over to them, of course with Josh and your hands intertwined. You let go of him to shake Brian's hand first, then Roger's, so did Josh as you introduced yourselves. "We're both huge fans, actually. Your album was brilliant! Especially love how your voice is raspy at times, then again so soft at other times oh and also some quite cool guitar riffs you got there", Brian continued. Wow. "Let the poor young girl breath, Brian!" Roger chuckled and you could not help but giggle at his words. "We heard your speech earlier and are really flattered that someone as young as you would actually still enjoy our music. After all, we are so old already", Roger continued. It's true, you're 21 but so what? "Honestly, you guys are legends, LIVING legends, I could never get tired of your music, you helped me through so much with it.", you said and it was no lie. Heartbreaks. Fights. Arguments. Parties. Loneliness. Laughing. Crying. No matter the mood: Queen, Freddie in particular was/is always by your side. And now they were sitting right in front of you.

Wow. You took everything in. His beauty. His sparkling blue eyes. His smile. It made you weak. You would dare to say that he has been your celebrity crush since you first discovered Queen. 15 years ago. Roger Taylor. But you had a boyfriend. A sweet, caring, loving boyfriend. You were so drowned in your own thoughts but felt someone squeeze your hand.

"(Y/N), babe? Hey? I'm going to get us some drinks, yeah?", Josh asked,you nodded. "So do you guys plan on touring again?" you asked curiously. Even though you've been a fan your whole life long, you never managed to make it to a Queen concert before. It's been your biggest dream though. "Yeah, actually, Rog here is about to record some new solo stuff too", Brian patted Roger's back. "That's so exciting. Can't wait for it to be released!" you smiled at him. "I also loved your previous solo albums! But let me tell you something, I'm glad you're such a musical genius. Not to be mean or anything, but your acting in those music videos sucked", you laughed, the alcohol taking over. Roger blushed as those words. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed watching them though", he winked.

"I'm actually going to record something tomorrow and I'd like to hear your opinion on it, since you're the hottest thing in the industry right now. I mean- your music - you're really pretty too- I mean yeah, so if you're free tomorrow, the offer's there. I understand if you don't want to, I'm sure you young thing have got better things to do than-"

"I'd be honored to hear your new music, Mr. Taylor", you cut him off. "It's settled then, let's exchange number and I'll send you the address and further details?", he smiled. You exchanged numbers before you called it a night.

Cuddled up to Josh you could not stop thinking about that smile. That damn smile. It seemed like this celebrity crush would turn into a real-life crush. So unrealistic. You finally managed to fall asleep with a smile on your face, excited for what tomorrow would bring.

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