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Note: Song by Adele

"Wtf, dad? "
Lola's voice filled Roger's apartment in Kensington, as he was sat on his huge black leather couch, watching her pace around.
"What's wrong, honey?"
"Don't 'honey' me Paps. What's going on between you and Y/N? I've seen pictures!"
"Nothing's going on. She came down to Surrey to talk music and I gave her a ride home. You're overreacting, honey!"
"I know when you're lying, Paps! I can see the way you're looking at her, you used to look at mum just the same way! Dad, you're never this affectionate, not even in public. Hell, you don't even properly hold Sarina's hand. And now this? That's disgusting! She could be my sister! She could be your daughter! You're 50 years older than her, goddamn!!!"

Lola was now shouting at her dad, letting anger take over.
Roger just sat there in silence.
Listening carefully to his daughter, knowing that everything is true.
Every single word.
But why did he feel guilty about it?
Nothing's happened anyway.
That's what helped Lola calm down.
Nothing's happened anyway.
That's what Roger told himself when he was tossing and turning in his bed late at night, thinking about one thing only.

But something's happened, deep inside of him.

But it was wrong.
So wrong.
His heart began to speed up just thinking about the previous day.
Reminiscing. Reminiscing how your face lit up when you discovered his drum skins in the studio, or when you had heard his new song. Your sparkling eyes, getting wider and wider during the tour through his house.

You, sitting by the lake with a stern look on your face, scribbling down some lyrics.
When your eyes met his, he felt it.
There was an exciting feeling, deep inside of him.
But he tried to shrug it off - without success.

One look on the clock. 2 am. He couldn't get himself to sleep, so he decided to go for a walk. Down by the Thames on a bench was his secret hideaway spot. Roger first discovered it after he got into a heated argument with Tim Staffel, his former Smile band mate.

He found himself in that peaceful spot quite often, even when Queen started to take off, to just get some air. Arguments happened to literally be on the daily Queen agenda during those times. It'd been a while since he had actually been here, but nothing had changed.

The night was quiet and peaceful as the moon lit up the river Thames. Slight sounds of traffic could be heard from the city. As he got closer to his secret spot, he noticed that the bench was already occupied. Roger was not sure if he should approach the bench anyway, despite not knowing if this person was a serial killer or something like that. (LOL, jk guys be careful though!)

As he got closer and closer this person looked even more familiar to him.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
You flinched when you saw a man approach you, until you recognized his figure.

"Roger?? Ahh, just couldn't sleep. I could ask you the exact same thing" you answered as he plunged himself next to you on the bench. You sat there in silence for a few minutes, until he decided to speak up again, looking directly into yours eyes:

"Will you now tell me what's really going on?" he put his arm around your shoulder, wiping away a few of your tears.
He felt it again this incredible warmth and completeness.

Yes. You've been crying.
After a heated argument with Josh, you stormed out of your flat.
In situations like these, your past self would have already been drugged down, drunk and fooling around with a hot stranger. But not this time.

"Everything's alright Roger, seriously" wiping away a few new tears.
"Look, I get it if you don't want to talk. Especially to me, but if I can help you out... You know I'm here for you, love. C'mere, at least take my coat you're freezing", with that he handed you his coat and even through protest, he insisted on you to take it.
Being all snuggled up into his coat made you feel safe in this cold night. Surrounded by Roger's warmth. The coat smelled just like him, heavenly.

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