I Believe In A Thing Called Love

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Notes: Here it is, the longest chapter of PP yet. I don't want to give to much away, but there is going to be some relief for exactly two people after this one (yeah I'm talking about you reader and Roger lol). Roger is not making a big apperance, but he'll always be there after this one! be prepared for a fluffy throwback and some cheesy musical contribution by Reader. I'm sorry, but this Taylor Swift song just fits perfectly and I'm obsessed with the album 'Lover'. Songs from that album will definitely keep appearing here and there. Anyway.. bare with me, english is not my first language, sorry for mistakes. The song lyrics used in this chapter are from the song "Death By A Thousand Cuts" - Taylor Swift. I recommend you listening to it once it pops up in the story.

Feel free to drop me an ask, a message, send in your reaction, further requests etc. But most of all: THANK YOU FOR READING!!! :)))

Words: 3.1k

Warnings: cursing, cheating

Never would you have thought that a penthouse that light and happy, yet domestic could feel as sad and lonely as it did now.
This trip was supposed to lift all the weight from your shoulders, instead of pushing you down with even more sorrow.

After a few missed attempts to reach Roger through calling, the chandelier lights in the living room started flickering. Almost like a sign Great. Where the hell was he? You started getting worried. Was he alright or did something happen? Was he on his way back home,or did he stay in a different room in the hotel? The thought that something bad could have happened,basically ate you alive, so you decided to text him.

To: Roger
'Where have you gone?'
'I need to talk to you'
How could he just leave like that? Without hearing you out first.?As the time went by you started making up different scenarios in your head, thinking this all was a all a joke to him, a distraction from his crumbling marriage.
'I'm worried. Please come back' you texted again.

The only answer was a money transfer of 10.000£ to your bank account with the remark 'for travels if you decide to come back to London '

Seemed like it was goodbye now. But you didn't do anything wrong. And instead of spending the whole night thinking about what you could have done wrong
this time, you did what you could best, at least as it seemed.
Fuck shit up, so 'Doha Nightclub' on Long Island seemed just like the right place to get rid of the empty feeling deep inside and the especially big and empty penthouse.
The nightclub seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, but it was certainly easy to get there, given the fact that the penthouse of the Ritz provided you a very own Rolls Royce with a personal driver in tow, who would take you anywhere you wanted.

As you entered the dark place that lit up with purple strobe lights, the place was already packed. Girls that wore as little as they could, men with buttoned down shirts all over the dancefloor. It felt posh, nearly too posh for your liking. But now you were there. Would be a waste of gas to ask the driver to go to another place. This would do perfectly fine.

Trying not to draw any attention to yourself , you chose a little table to sit at in the back where it was dark, but the seat still visible enough for waitresses to notice once your glass was empty. You were quite amused by the fact that it was a girl's birthday party. They welcomed her into the club with two signs saying 'Happy Birthday'. Right next to them was another blonde girl with curves in all the right places holding up a neon yellow sign saying '99% sure that vodka is my soulmate'. It made you chuckle, even with given circumstances.

"What's your poison, honey?" A girl about your age asked you, holding a tray of shots in her hand.
"Anything right now. Any shot would do" you sighed.
"Wait a minute" the girl said taking a closer look at you. "Aren't you that singer that got engaged?"
"Do you see a ring on my finger?" you held out your hands for her to inspect.
"How much for the whole tray?"
"Girls are free tonight, honey" she placed the tray on the table and took a seat on the empty chair.
"I'm Andrea, by the way" she shook your hand.

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