Off to the Races

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Notes: I always try to make the chapters longer but somehow they always nearly end up short? There won't be many more parts, so this series will come to an end soon, but I want to continue making one shots on this one. I listened to "Off to the races" by Lana Del Rey while writing. I had in mind, that reader wrote it about experiencing this chapter.
sorry for mistakes etc. English is not my first language.

Warnings: cursing, cheating, smut

The doorbell rang and you knew exactly who was waiting to get in on the other side. So you opened it.
"I missed you so much, my love" Roger got inside and gave you a long kiss.
"Hate being away from you" he mumbled against your lips.
"Why did you tell him?"
"Did you two meet up?" he loosened the hug he had you in.
"yeah. Had lunch together."
"I'm sorry, darling. But you know he can keep a secret. At least for a while. Raised him right" he gave you a kiss on your forehead and you felt his smirk against you.

"But why did you tell him that we are sort of seeing each other?"
"Sort of? Really?" He almost sounded disappointed. "I'm planning on getting a divorce for the chance of a sort of relationship?"
"You what?" you were clearly shocked. Even though you kind of hoped to be with him, you never expected him to take action that fast.
"Did you think I was joking?" Roger chuckled. "I already told you how I feel about you! I want to be with you, (Y/N)! I've made a fool out of myself for holding back my feelings too many times now. I want to get it all right with you." Roger traced his fingers along your exposed skin on your arm, which your tank top could not cover completely.

"Let's go on a holiday! Maybe the Maldives, Bali, anywhere you want. I want to spoil the hell out of you! Massages, sunsets with good food and fine wine... Just the two of us"

"I have to go to New York in two days" you interrupted him and he stopped his movements completely.
"Because of your boyfriend?"
"I'll come with you! Wait! we'll go right now" he took your hand into his again.
"Now?" you chuckled, not believing his words. He could not come with you. What about Josh, the press, his wife? Anyone would find out.
"Yeah." you shook your head and he continued. "One phone call and the plane's ready."

He didn't lie. It only took one phone call to inform the pilots, a flight attendant and a personal assistant of his. The latter made sure to gather some of his clothes, that he wasn't able to pick up from home and book a fancy hotel, that met Roger's requirements. He only texted his wife, saying he wasn't able to make it home, due to complications with the upcoming tour. A foul excuse, which he used one too many times already. And it made you feel kind of bad.

But the warm leather of the cozy white crème seat on the plane, let you forget about everything that was wrong about this scenario real soon. There where you now. On Queen's personal private jet. Your first time on one of those planes at all. In total, there were six creme lounge chairs on the plane, two grey couches that could fold out to make a bed, a one-person bathroom with a kind of marble sink, varnished wood paneling and soft highlights to light up the room a bit.
Once the plane was up in the air, the flight attendant was already there, waiting to fulfill all of your needs.

Roger was opposite you with a smirk on his face, pouring two glasses of red wine. He looked handsome with a black shirt on, sunglasses tucked to the front of it. Holding the glasses he looked classy, just like a million dollar man. You couldn't stop admiring him, but the thought of why you had to fly out always crept in he back of your mind. You were on a mission. To leave things in the past and start a new chapter.

Roger handed you the glass and you clinked your glasses together.
"To us."
"To us."

The flight attended provided you with some hot towels and you kept wondering what she must be thinking, seeing you on Roger going on a trip together. Giving you more privacy, she went to her own cabin in the front, near the cockpit on the jet.

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