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Note: as this relationships develops I'd be happy to hear some of the concepts you guys have/ would love Reader and Rog do/experience etc. :) I'd be really grateful and excited to hear some of that..

If you were wondering about the band members I had in mind:
Guitar: Dan Richards
Drums: Hubert Gromadzk
Bass: Joe Dart

„How was that?" your drummer Sid gave you a questioned and expecting look through the glass wall from the recording booth, as he fiddled around with the drum sticks, twirling one in his right hand. Roger was already in the black leather chair next to you, willing to produce the whole new album and of course, he didn't give you a chance to deny it, or to put it better, he insisted on taking over the job as producer.

"It was good, really good.... but I don't know.. I feel like we're repeating ourselves over and over again" your eyes darted from the sound board to your band member. "It's good, but it all sounds the same. Don't you think?" You put your elbow to rest your chin in your hand in a thoughtful gesture looking to Roger beside you. His air was a bit messy, but still looked flawless. He put so much work and detail into each song, trying to make little masterpieces out of them, but as much as you appreciated his work, something was wrong.

"I'll try a new pattern then? To match the tempo you had in mind?" Sid made you beam back him again, already finding a new beat as he was waiting for your answer.

"Have you tried drumming machines?" Roger firstly looked at you, then Sid, then back at you.

"It's not exactly the real thing but it'll give you something to experiment with" Roger suggested, lightly scratching his beard.

"Your call, boss" Sid smiled at you , he was indeed excited about Roger's 'new role' in your band, considering that he had been a life - long fan of his, picking up drumming because of Roger in the first place. It should also be mentioned that his parents met at Live Aid back in 1985 when they were just 15 years old, both stood in front row cheering on their favourite band: Queen. Sid especially recalled seeing pictures of Roger in magazines his parents owned, showing a younger Roger wearing some nice suits, having a glass of wine in his hand and always a beautiful young thing by his side. A major part in his decision making on wanting to become THE next Roger Taylor. And he did.. Well sort of.. Sid was someone who enjoyed life... and especially the ladies... He enjoyed it so much that he lost count of the hearts he had loved and left haunted.

"Ok, let's try it, you guys mind if I go out for a smoke?" you asked as Sid jumped excitedly into the seat next to Roger.

"It's alright love." Roger gave you a smile and turned to Sid "Now, we'll start with the basics, you can imitate any percussion on this, if you just..." Roger's voice drowned out as you made your way out of the sectioned area you had rented, up the stairs to the roof terrace. After 10 minutes of smoking and collecting your thoughts you made your way back onto the ground floor, passing the counter in the foyer where Laura, a good friend of yours had been working. Dan had declined all calls since his outburst in the studio the other, which didn't make the situation any easier. Arriving back in the booth the drum backing track had surprisingly fast, already been laid down.

Time went by flying as Roger showed Sid some tricks of his own on the drums, which left him amazed.

"Today's been great, you're heading into a kind of different direction in terms of music, I mean your last two albums were excellent, but I think this is going to be even better" Roger smiled adding finishing touches to the mastering of yet another song. Sid had left you two to it again, heading off to meet his parents. Probably also to tell them that he is currently working with rock royalty, but we'll leave that aside.

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