Gangsters are Running this World - Purple Version

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You woke up the next day to an empty bed, because Josh had already gone to a band meeting for his upcoming tour. You made your way into the kitchen to find a note on the counter: *Morning babe, I'm at the studio, coffee should still be hot. Have fun today, miss you already, I love you*

With a smile on your face, you pour the coffee into your own merchandise mug and grab your phone.

*5 unread messages*

*From: Ruf - Darkness*

"you're meeting up with my dad today??? :O why didn't you tell me? ☹ x " – 7.03 am
"oh sorry, good morning, (Y/N) :D x" – 7.04 am
"congrats on the Grammy by the way, I want to be you when I grow up 😉 x" – 7.10 am
"my dad told me to take you home to his home studio in Surrey, if that's ok x" – 7.20 am
"I'll pick you up at 11 x" – 7.24 am

You first met Rufus when your band was a support group for his band 'The Darkness', during that time you also had a short fling with his lead singer. Honestly though, it was all about the parties, coke and booze. On one of those drunken nights you 'accidently' expressed your love for Queen and especially Roger, to Rufus. He was so shitfaced that he probably forgot every word you said anyways.

You were a little disappointed, that Roger didn't text or call you himself, since you exchanged numbers the night before. Taking a quick glance at the clock you nearly dropped your mug. 10.33 am. 'Fuck, how am I supposed to get ready within the next 27 minutes?', you thought to yourself. You took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, put on a white lace bralette, some light – blue ripped jeans and a fluffy, short coat. A little exposing, but that was your trademark after all and you couldn't just show up to Roger fucking Taylor's house wearing joggers and an old, washed out shirt, right? While applying your eyeliner you received a message on your phone:

*From: Ruf – Darkness*
"I'm outside x"

You took one last glance in the mirror, locked the door and made your way outside. There was Rufus, leaning against a red Ferrari 308 GTB. Once he spotted you, a smile appeared on his face and he greeted you with a big hug: "Ahhh, (Y/N)! Long time no see, how have you been?" "Pretty good, how else would a Grammy winner feel?", you replied.
"Congratulations, majesty. I meant what I said by the way, I want to be you when I grow up", you chuckled at his comment. "Ruf, you're older than me. Nice car you got there!" He opened the door for you, closed it, got in on the driver's side and the car journey began.
"My dad actually gifted it to me, he bought it in 1983, but this bad boy is still in the best shape. You look very pretty today! Who'd you dress up for, though? We're just going to see my dad and you're going to be locked up in a studio", he chuckled. His words made you blush, but thankfully he didn't notice. "Thank you. But what do you mean, Ruf? I always wear this kind of stuff. How long is the drive anyway?"
"About 35 minutes, I lived in Surrey my whole life. My sisters lived with my mum though. The only people that still live in the Surrey home are my dad and his wife.", he explained. Right. You totally forgot that Roger was a married man. "I see, some embarrassing childhood pictures I could browse for then?!", you tried to cheer yourself up.
"Don't even try, love", he chuckled.

The drive went by quickly and you found yourself in front of the biggest house you'd ever seen. And you'd seen plenty of them. It was majestic, close to a castle, with lots of greenery. Hell, the garden was at least ten times as big as your apartment in the city of London, which was far from small itself.

"T- that's where you grew up?", you stuttered.
"Yeah my dad owns a few houses. One's in Ibiza, one in Switzerland, a mansion in LA, there's also the apartment in Kensington. I used to live in Kensington one with my girlfriend, but we decided to get our own place in Soho", he laughed.
"So nice to hear, how's Jessica by the way?" you asked as you both walk towards the front door.
"She's good, very good. But it's so hard to have such hectic lives, my touring and her modelling job. Who am I to tell you about these kinds of things? You know exactly what I'm talking about. Greet Josh from me, by the way.", he answered. Hearing those words, your mind drifted to your boyfriend, Josh, and you wondered what he was on about in this moment. Your thoughts were cut off as the door swung open.

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