Meeting The First

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3rd person pov

Y/N: Wh-What was that?

?: My name is Jonathan, i promise, i'm here to help

Somehow, a spectral figure of a rather muscular man appeared beside Y/N. He crouched down making the young boy take a step backwards, still unsure if any of this is real.

Jonathan: Tell me, do you have a birthmark in the shape of a star on your neck?

Y/N: Yeah... how do you know about that, and why do you look like a ghost?

Jonathan: It seems we're related, perhaps you're a descendant of mine

Pulling his shirt to the side Jonathan showed his own birth mark making Y/N's eyes widen slightly, staring at it until the spectral man let his shirt go back to it's original position.

The young boy touched his own before looking to his feet as he sat on the floor. He tried to think of a way that Jonathan could be here, but he never heard anything about ghosts being real.

Y/N: How are you here, am i dreaming, i-is amy of this real?

Jonathan: I don't know much, but i know it's because of you that i'm here. And i want to help you, what kind of ancestor would i be if i didn't try and help my descendant?

Y/N: Right... thank you, Jonathan

The spectral man nodded, looking towards the door as he could hear Tai mumbling as he walked by. Jonathan had seen what happened, and for him, what he did was unforgivable.

Jonathan: He can't be your real father, no honourable man would treat their child like that

Y/N: I'm adopted. My Step-Mom, Summer, left for a mission two weeks ago but hasn't back

Jonathan: Oh. I'm sorry...


Sadly, Summer never came back, Qrow affirming that claim leaving Tai in a depressive rut. Qrow had to leave again so the three kids were on their own even more then before.

Yang had seen an old photo, thinking she could find her real mom there so she went to go while taking Ruby with her. Y/N caught wind of this and joined them, wanting to keep them safe.

They trudged through the forest, tired as Ruby slept in the wagon. Y/N took the handle as it was his turn to pull it, the two of them not being very strong as they hadn't eaten as much as they needed to.

Y/N: It's close... right?

Yang: I-I think so

As the two walked, a feeling of dread filled the air, like something was watching them from the tree line. To the surprise of Y/N, Jonathan appeared out of the blue and looked around, wearing a serious expression.

Jonathan: This feeling... it's one of utter darkness and evil. Get moving, now!

Beginning to speed up Y/N looked back as Yang looked at him confused, trying to catch up with him before a Beowolf burst out from the darkness. It simply slipped through Jonathan making his eyes widen as he turned to Y/N.

The spectral man dashed towards his ancestor as the Grimm pounced at the trio, Y/N moving in the way as he shut his eyes. When Jonathan reached him Y/N disappeared, the Grimm's teeth touching him but it was zapped by some kind of electricity upon contact.

Opening his eyes they gleamed with a different colour, the Beowolf stumbling back before Qrow rushed out and swiftly decapitated it, looking to the three as they glanced to him.

Qrow: What are you three doing out here, didn't you know how dangerous it is?!

Yang: W-We just wanted to find this place...

She took out the old picture, showing Qrow who frowned slightly and took it from her. Before he could say anything Y/N passed out making him rush over, checking his pulse and finding out he's alive.

Qrow: He's probably just tired, let's go back. Climb into the wagon and i'll drag it

Yang nodded, there being enough space for her and Ruby. Qrow carried Y/N over his shoulder while grabbing the wagon, thinking about what just happened with the boy and the Grimm.


Arriving back at the house Qrow placed Y/N down, knocking on the door as the two girls slept in the wagon. He turned to pick Y/N back up but the boy had vanished making him look around in confusion.

Qrow: Kid, where'd you go?

He saw movement in the trees nearby so he went after it shortly before the door opened, Tai seeing the two girls and instantly taking them inside, wondering how they got here, and where Y/N was.

In the forest Y/N was slumped against a tree, Jonathan looking at his body before glancing to himself and kneeling down beside the boy, trying to make sense of what just happened.

Placing his hand on his shoulder Jonathan felt like he was being sucked into Y/N to he quickly withdrew his hand. Hesitantly he tried again, being sucked inside before Y/N's eyes widened and he quickly got up.

Once again his eyes were gleaming with a new colour, looking down to his hands before gasping slightly as he felt along his body. Looking around as he heard Qrow coming near he began to move.

Jonathan/Y/N: I'm... in his body? Maybe i can actually help him like this

Testing something as he moved Jonathan breathed in before Hamon sparked around him making him smile slightly. As he kept moving Y/N stirred in his subconscious, waking up in a dark room.

Y/N: W-Where am i?

?: So, you're our descendant?

?: The kid doesn't look like much

?: Exactly, he's a kid. Don't be so harsh

?: Does he have what it takes though?

?: I'm not sure, we'll have to see

?: Didn't you see what he did though? He'll do a great job

In the darkness Y/N could see six different glowing stars, much like his own birthmark which glowed for some reason. Gulping slightly he looked to the dark figures as he stood straight.

Y/N: Who are you all?

?: We're all part of the Joestar bloodline, like you

Y/N: Joestar... that's my real last name, Joestar

(Lemme know what you think)

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