To Prove Himself

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(Wow, i'm surprised to how well this has been received. I mean, would i like to get 1,000 reads per chapter, sure, who wouldn't? But i'm just glad some people are enjoying this)

3rd person pov

Y/N slowly woke up, looking around to see he was in a room he didn't recognise so the young boy was on edge. Getting out the bed he saw some food sitting on a plate beside the bed, making his stomach rumble.

The boy began to eat it, glad he was able to get an actual meal but this only made him think back to Ruby and Yang, wondering why he was gone from them and if they were okay.

Looking out the window he saw that he was in some kind of port town, however footsteps could be heard getting closer so Y/N placed the food down and sat on the bed, swallowing what was in his mouth.

The door opened to reveal a man with a clipboard who looked to Y/N before raising an eyebrow slightly and sitting on a seat beside the boy's bed. Y/N looked to him nervously, unsure of what he was going to do.

?: My name is Diaz, i'm the town Doctor, and i'm just going to run some check ups on you

Y/N: Oh, um, okay

He took the boys arm and grabbed a needle, Y/N paled at this, quickly looking away as the Doctor placed it against his arm. Attempting to draw blood Diaz was quickly knocked back when Hamon shocked him.

Stepping back as Y/N turned to see the needle was on the floor while Diaz was backing away to the door, soon leaving as the young boy looked at himself in confusion.

He got up, approaching the window before shaking his head slightly. Y/N left through the door quickly, heading out the building as he looked around in confusion at the foreign environment.

Wondering around Y/N found himself at a river bed, deciding he should probably tey and get home as Jonathan appeared once again making the boy turn to him with a hesitance.

Y/N: Why am i here, why aren't i at home?

Jonathan: I couldn't bring myself to leave you with him. As much as i want to believe his behaviour will get better, i can't say it's a certainty

Y/N: Then... what was that electricity?

Jonathan: Hamon. My teacher, Zeppili, taught it to me, and i want to teach it to you too. I want you to be able to defend yourself

The boy looked to his feet, thinking about it for a moment as Jonathan looked to him. He nodded, standing up making the spectral man smile as Y/N looked back at his ancestor.

Y/N: I'll do it, please teach me about Hamon

The spectral man walked into the river bed, the waves untouched but it didn't go very far up. Y/N took off his shoes and rolled up his pant legs after Jonathan gestured for the young boy to join him.

Jonathan: Hamon is tied to your breathing, creating ripples in your blood when you breath correctly will allow you to use Hamon. Now, breath as i tell you to

Y/N nodded, following Jonathan's instructions as he tried to replicate the way he told him to breath. Nothing happened at first as Y/N shut his eyes, trying to release his Hamon.

Watching him as he continued to coach Y/N he noticed faint ripples around the boy, but they vanished soon after making him frown softly. Jonathan stopped speaking as the boy looked like he was under distress.

Jonathan: Hamon is sensitive to emotional disturbances. If you can't focus on your breathing, nothing will happen

Y/N: I-I'm sorry. I'll try again

Once again Y/N began breathing the way Jonathan instructioned him to, the ripples appearing in the water which made the spectral man smile as Hamon crackled around Y/N's hands.

Opening his eyes Y/N saw his hands and gasped, the Hamon disappearing fading which made him frown and look to Jonathan who smiled at the boy which wasn't what Y/N expected to see.

Jonathan: This proves that you're my descendan. You have a naturally affinity for Hamon

Y/N: Does every Joestar use Hamon?

Jonathan: No, the last to use it was my grandson, at least until you

The young boy looked down to his hands, clenching them softly as he breathed properly, Hamon sparking around him as he smiled. Ripples appeared in the water, Y/N feeling proud about himself.

?: So, he can use Hamon, huh? His training was way easier then mine

?: Good grief. It's not a competition

?: Maybe he has something else too...


Falling against the grass Y/N was both tired, and hungry. Slowly sitting up he smelt something good so he got up and walked up the grass knoll. A plate of food sat atop it, clearly freshly made, so he looked around.

Y/N couldn't see anyone around so he took it, eating the food which he found delicious. Quickly finishing it, he sighed in content and layed back down on the grass as a person retreated from behind a tree.

?: So, this is what he's been teaching you?

Shooting up Y/N turned, not seeing anyone until someone faded into his vision. She had green eyes, two buns in her hair as well as a series of braids that were coloured green like her eyes.

She had a grey jacket on over her top which had numbers on the back as well as the words. "Green Dolphin Street Prison" although Y/N couldn't see it. The woman came over and sat beside Y/N, a being slightly transparent.

Y/N: ... Are you one of my ancestors?

?: Yeah, i am. My name is Jolyne, and i'm a descendant of the Joestar bloodline, just like you

(Lemme know what you think)

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