Another Experience

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3rd person pov

Y/N: Can i ask... why won't the others come out and talk to me?

Jolyne: They don't trust you yet. I mean, suddenly coming to consciousness inside the mind of an 8 year old? It's a bit surprising

Y/N: I'm 8 and three quarters...

Jolyne: Right, sorry

Looking to the river bed as the sun began to set Y/N played with the grass between his fingers while Jolyne glanced to the young boy. She was reminded of a certain someone, making her expression drop for a moment.

Jolyne: How's your training with Jonathan been going?

Y/N: Um... i did that weird Hamon thingy

Jolyne: Oh really? Well congrats, i hear not everyone can

Y/N: Can you?

Jolyne: No, i never even knew it was a thing. The only people i know who can use it is Jonathan, who is my great great great grandfather, and my great grandfather

A small laugh escaped Y/N at how many greats there was causing Jolyne to smile slightly. The sky was an orange as the young boy stiffled a yawn, covering his mouth with his hand.

Y/N: Can i try something?

Jolyne: That depends on what it is

Y/N: Well, i wanna know if i can touch you. Jonathan tried touching me, but that didn't work

Jolyne: Well, try it then

She lifted her arm, Y/N slowly reaching over with hesitance. His hand neared her wrist before his fingers touched it, a flash of a prison cell going through his mind before the spectral woman pulled her hand away.

The two were confused, both seeing the same thing as eachother. Jolyne held out her hand again as Y/N touched it, the young boy seeing a two bunked prison cell that was small with a cell door.

Taking his hand away Y/N looked to Jolyne in confusion as she glanced down to her own hands. Standing up the boy walked up the grassy incline as he looked around for something.

Jolyne: How did you do that...?

Y/N: I don't know. I-I've never done that before

Jolyne: That was my cell, that... was in my memories. Green Dolphin Street Prison


After finding somewhere to sleep, thanks to the town folk, Y/N was back at the river bed as he stops in the water with Jonathan once again. However, this time Joylne watched the two from the sidelines.

Ripples appeared around his feet as Y/N tried to focus his breathing. He stopped for a moment, lowering his arms slightly as the spectral man looked at him in confusion, not knowing why he stopped.

Jonathan: What's wrong? You were doing so well

Suddenly Y/N grabbed his arm, their visions changing to a large mansion with a statue near a staircase. A stone mask sat on a wall as the two looked around, one confused while the other was amazed.

Jonathan: This is... my home... how are you doing this?

Y/N: I don't know. But i did this with Jolyne yesterday

The two began exploring the mansion as Y/N looked around, seeing the large library he led the spectral man towards it. Smiling as he reached towards the books Y/N's hand phased through it, his smile faltering.

?: Um, hello?

Suddenly snapping out of Jonathan's memories, Y/N took his hand back and turned to see a young girl, around his age.  She had rabbit fauans ears sitting atop her head with longish brown hair.

?: You were just standing there, s-sorry if i'm interrupting you

Y/N: N-No, i was just thinking

?: Oh, okay then. I'm Velvet Scarlatina

Y/N: I'm Y/N... Joestar

Going her on land Y/N sat down but his feet were still in the river bed as Velvet sat down beside him, noticing the faint, unnatural ripples coming from his feet as a few dead flowers came back into bloom around his hands.

The young boy noticed too, lifting his hands he looked it surprise while Velvet was amazed, smiling brightly as she clapped her hands together making Y/N blush slightly and rub the back of his head.

For some reason Jonathan and Jolyne had disappeared, but Y/N was fine with that as he needed a break anyway. Lowering his hands the ripples slowly disappeared as Y/N began breathing normally.

Velvet: So, do you live around here?

Y/N: Uh... no. I'm just here for a bit

Velvet: Oh, i see. When are you going then?

Y/N: I don't know, what about you, do you live here?

Velvet: Yeah, it's nice most the time, but not always... some people aren't kind. We have to get a doctor from out of town

Y/N: Why's that?

She gestured to her Faunas ears but Y/N didn't fully understand  not knowing about the racism that some humans hold for Faunas. Reaching up he touched them making her flinch

Y/N: I don't see why he doesn't like them, they're cute

The Faunas girl blushed heavily before getting up and leaving quickly, confusing the young boy. Jolyne appeared beside him making Y/N look to her as she chuckled softly, shaking her head.

This just confused Y/N further as he didn't know why she laughed. Shrugging he got up and began focusing his breathing as ripples appeared around his feet in the water again.

Jolyne: You don't get girls at all, do you?

Y/N: Uhh... i guess not

Jolyne: Well, normally calling girls cute is flirting with them

Y/N: What's flirting?

Turning to her Y/N tilted his head in confusion, Jolyne taking a moment before she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed softly, remembering he was only a young kid.

Jolyne: Never mind. I want to test something, to see if you have a stand, like me

Behind her a blue figure with sunglasses appeared as Jolyne stood up. Y/N stopped as he looked to it in curiosity. She rested her chin in hand as her other hand wrapped around her midsection.

Y/N: A stand...?

Jolyne: Yes, this is my stand, Stone Free. Now, let's see if i can awaken yours

(Lemme know what you think)

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