A Dark Presence

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(Shit bois, 31k reads. Seems you spicy lads like this story, it'd be a shame if i deleted it)

3rd person pov

As the two made their way through the warehouse they found out that it was partly underground, so they went down the dark tunnel, only illuminated by their scrolls faint lights.

Dino: What do you want to do with the Arrow and Mask?

Y/N: Destroy them. It's the only safe thing to do

The blonde haired teen nodded, but stopped upon hearing something behind him. Turning around Dino saw a large hole in the wall and one in the adjacent wall which confused him.

Turning around to see what Dino was doing, Y/N saw the hole and instantly went on guard and started looking around. Both summoned their Stands and went back to back, the sound of a wall crumbling alerted them.

Another hole had been made by one of the previous ones. A purple sphere appeared out of nowhere as Roman stepped out of Cream, a smirk on his face while the two teens backed up a bit.

Y/N: Is he close enough?

Dino: No. Not for my Stand, nor for time stop

Roman: I must say, i expected more from Cinder, but i suppose she was an incompetent Stand User. What would you two say to joining me, i'm willing to give you a second chance, Dino

Dino: As if i'd lower myself like that again

Y/N: I'd rather die then work for a Vampire such as you

Roman: Then so be it

He was swiftly swallowed by Cream before it ate itself, the two's eyes widened as they narrowly dodged the attack, the sole of Y/N's shoe being erased. They looked towards the way they came and went to leave.

However Roman began to destroy the way back, assuming they'd try to leave. This caused them to back up, looking behind them before sprinting down the hall, trying to get into a more open space.

Dino used Under Pressure'a ability, fast forwarding his actions a few moments which caused him to be ahead of Y/N. He saw a set of stairs that lead up so he used the ability again while the teen was still behind, coughing.

Searching his surroundings Dino saw that it was another Warehouse which made him think that most of them were connected to one and another before he looked back to see Y/N coming out.

As they looked around Roman came into the warehouse without them knowing. Both summoned their Stands and kept an eye out, Y/N had an idea suddenly pop up as he looked to the stone floor.

Y/N: Break the floor below us

Dino: What? Why?

Y/N: Your Stand's stronger then mine, just do it

Taking a step back Dino used Under Pressure to destroy the floor. Y/N grabbed a piece of it and looked around before throwing it behind him, seeing it being erased he looked at it intently.

The blonde haired teen saw it too before Roman peaked out, swiftly he sent Under Pressure out and it slammed it's fist across the Vampire's face. Roman looked to Dino before smirking as Cream clamped it's mouth on Under Pressure's hand.

Dino cried out in pain as three of his fingers were erased, the blonde haired teen recalled his Stand before Roman disappeared back into Cream and charged at the two.

They managed to avoid him again but got separated so Y/N couldn't help him. Roman went up and destroyed the support beams above them, truly separating the both of them.

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