A Better Dorm

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3rd person pov

Ozpin: Coco Adel, Y/N Joestar, Yatsuhashi Daichi and Velvet Scarlatina. You four have proved your skills as Huntsmen and Huntresses, so i'm proud to announce you as our newest team. Team CVJY (Conjure)

Looking to his teammates Y/N's eyes widened upon seeing Velvet who turned away, averting her gaze from the teen. A frown formed on his face before they stepped off the stage and Coco turned to her team.

Coco: Well then, my first task as team leader is to get you all better clothes

Y/N: Is that really important?

Coco: Can't be the best team in Beacon if we don't stand out in a good way

Jonathan: Not to offend you, but you could look better

The teen grumbled slightly as they walked to their dorm, Coco smiling victoriously as Yatsuhashi and Velvet didn't really oppose her idea. One was more stoic then the other, assumingly not minding what she had in mind.

Once reaching their dorm Coco used her scroll and opened the door, stepping inside the looked around as the others followed suit. Walking over to a bed she sat down on it, trying to smooth out the duvet.

Coco: First thing we need is a divider, need some privacy between genders

Yatsuhashi: That's fair

Coco: Then i'll get you lot some better clothes

A sigh escaped Y/N before he slipped off his jacket, flopping to his bed and burying his face in the pillow as today had been tiring. Velvet went into the bathroom to change into sleeping wear while the tallest of the team sat on his bed.

After Velvet was done Coco went to do the same, the rabbit faunas laying down in her bed and pulling her duvet up to shoulder height. The moon sat high in the dark sky a few hours later before Y/N sat up, unable to sleep.

Looking around he was unable to see Velvet sleeping in her bed, although the door was slightly ajar so he got out of bed to search for her. As he did the memory of seeing Dio standing on the stage as he became a Huntsmen in training appeared.

He shook his head, trying to dismiss it as Y/N made his way onto the balcony only to see the person he was looking for. As he began to approach her Velvet turned, being able to hear his footsteps.

Upon seeing Y/N the faunas turned her head away, not saying a word as the teen got closer to her. Standing near Velvet Y/N tried to muster up some words, but couldn't find the write ones to use.

Velvet: ...What are you doing here?

Y/N: You were gone, so i came looking for you

Velvet: O-Oh. Sorry to worry you then

Y/N: No, it's fine... look, about what happened back then

Velvet: It's okay. Y-You can think the way they want t-

Y/N: I don't!

She flinched at his tone making Y/N stop and calm down slightly, a breath escaping him before he pinched the bridge of his nose while trying to think of a way to explain himself.

Velvet: I don't care anyway... i know i can't change people's minds, so i won't try and argue with them

Y/N: Velvet. I swear to you, i don't think of you that way, you're my friend

Turning to Y/N as he offered her a smile she hesitated, the idea of him only thinking of her as some kind of animal lingered in her head. She took a breath, shutting her eyes before going back to normal.

He waited for her response, but nothing came as Velvet stood up which made Y/N's smile falter as he watched her curiously. She left, going back to the dorm so Y/N frowned and looked out over the balcony.

Y/N: Hey, Johnny. Do you have any advice that i could use?

Johnny: Sorry, but no. Me and my wife weren't really like that

Y/N: ...Damnit- wait, you were married?

Johnny: Yeah, had a son too

Y/N: Oh. Well, how'd that work out?

Johnny: I had to kill myself to save them both from a disease

The teen sucked in air through his teeth, regretting asking the question. Sighing Y/N sat down beside his ancestor, his hand laying flat against the floor before it began to rain as his expression dropped.

He stood up instantly, going to go inside before seeing what looked like someone who was walking on the rain? Y/N raised an eyebrow as Johnny watched, taking a moment before he remembered.

Johnny: Y/N! He's a stand user!

Y/N: What? But, how, can you really do that with a stand!?

Johnny: He must be descended from the person who had it. They called it Catch The Rainbow, and unless you can sneak up on them it'll be an endurance test

Y/N: ...Shoot. Johnny, i need to use your stand

He grabbed the teens shoulder, disappearing into Y/N before a stars appeared on his hands. Taking a breath Y/N quickly began chasing after them, only knowing the basics of The Spin.

The teen followed the person as they skipped along the rain, climbing up a roof top before seeing that there was a large leap between the next two parts of the building.

Gulping Y/N jumped, Hamon crackling at his finger tips before managing to touch the building, the rain allowing him to latch on before he climbed to the top and looked around for the person.

He seemed to have lost them, his teeth gritting as one of Y/N's fingernails spun while the stars on his hand lit up. Turning around Y/N saw nothing also froze upon hearing something.

?: Why are you following me?

Spinning around Y/N fired the nail bullet but it seemed to phase through them so he went to hit them with a Hamon infused punch. To his shock his hand began to get sliced up as the rain around him stopped and the person pointed their umbrella at him.

They swiftly cracked it around the side of his head, knocking him out as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and the rain resumed. Y/N's body hit the floor as the person stared at him, their multi coloured hair peeking through.

Y/N/Johnny: Now! Tusk, Act 2!

Firing another nail bullet the person narrowly dodged it which made it hit a wall as their feet touched the floor. The bullet hole snuck up to them, rising up to their ankle before they were hit with force.

Their eyes widened, crying out in pain as blood seeped through their leg. Jumping off the roof they quickly fled as Johnny watched, cursing under his breath before rubbing the side of his head.

The person found a safe space, wincing in pain as they recalled their stand to show a woman. Her eyes changed colour as she blinked, reactivating her aura to help heal her wound.

?: The hell was that... and how was he able to get back up?

(Lemme know what you think)

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